Home » The Montanaro di Morisi comeback in the Pari second half of Actis Grosso then Gottardo closes it

The Montanaro di Morisi comeback in the Pari second half of Actis Grosso then Gottardo closes it

by admin


The Montanaro season in the First Category Piedmont Cup begins with a comeback victory, 2-1. The low-Canavese team, in front of the public friend of Italo Giavarini, in the first match of the triangular 5 goes immediately below after just 10 ‘of play. Castrogiovanni commits a penalty foul and from eleven meters Ech Chabi beats Fornaro and gives Santhià the Vercelli team the lead. Montanaro who reacts and, before the rest, almost equalizes, first with the conclusion of Actis Grosso and then with Bertone, but the host defense manages to repel any threat. Hosts who also claim a couple of penalties not granted for knocking down in the area before the former Zarmanian and then Actis Grosso.

In the interval Mr. Morisi plays the charge and the Montanaro of the second half is more convinced and determined: at the first real goal ball, the yellow-blue Montanaresi find the deserved parity with Actis Grosso in the 10 ‘. The Montanarese midfielder is good, with a nice triangulation in speed with Zarmanian, to be found face to face with the visiting goalkeeper Groppo and to beat him with great coldness. Once parity is restored, the Montanaro wants to win and attacks, raising the center of gravity and forcing Santhià to stay on the defensive. The goal of the Montanaro’s advantage arrives at 25 ‘with a nice conclusion at the corner of Gottardo.

In the next round, Thursday 15 September at 20.30, the Montanaro rests and Santhià and Cigliano will see the Fabio Pairotto di Santhià. The Montanaro will be back on the field on Thursday 29 September, on the third and last day of the triangular, and will be a guest of the Vercelli of Cigliano al Bassanino. Now for the team of coach Morisi the goal is to start on the right foot also in the championship, starting on Sunday 11 September. –

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