Home » The foolproof method to understand if your child smokes or not: unequivocal signs

The foolproof method to understand if your child smokes or not: unequivocal signs

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The foolproof method to understand if your child smokes or not: unequivocal signs

If your child smokes these signs will certainly not go unnoticed: the foolproof method to ‘find out’, here’s what to do

Tobacco addiction, also commonly recognized as a pure vice of smoking, implies, as we well know, consequences not just for our organism or that of those who abuse it. Recognizing through some signs if our child has started smoking, can help us take the right measures at the right time.

The signs to understand if your child smokes (Credits: Adobe)

From early adolescence, it is possible, under the belief of others, that the adolescent tries to smoke the first cigarette. And from that first cigarette to getting into a real habit, it’s a short step. Smoking, as we know, creates a harmful addiction. Quitting smoking is a real challenge. On the other hand, even Zeno Cosini by Italo Svevo, in the fateful literary novel, told of that fateful ‘last cigarette’ which, however, was never really the last. However, when a teenager is smoking, it is unlikely that he will admit to his parents that he will soon have this habit. Therefore, how can a parent understand if their child actually smokes: these are the signs that should not be underestimated.

If your child smokes, pay attention to these signs: they are the real alarm bell

What are the signs that your child smokes? Some alarm bells can go on like a real warning light. Here’s what we should pay particular attention to.

son smokes signals
The signs that tell you that your child smokes (Credits: Adobe)
  • One of the details that we can pay attention to with our sense of smell is definitely the smell on clothes. The smell of smoke tends to impregnate the fabrics, and this certainly does not go unnoticed to an attentive nose.
  • Chewing gum and mint candies like never before. If we find them in industrial quantities in the backpack and in the bedroom, we can be sure that they do not consume them for pure and simple taste, but has something to hide.
  • Suddenly the weekly pocket money runs out within a few days, and that lighter found by chance in the drawer or backpack certainly means something.
  • Cough: flu? Not necessarily. We know that one of the first unwanted effects, along with yellowing fingers, is the appearance of a cough. Therefore, if this should be one of the symptoms without the appearance of a cold, well we would do well to do the math.
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