Home » Energy crisis and expensive electric car bill, Motus-E attacks Facile.it

Energy crisis and expensive electric car bill, Motus-E attacks Facile.it

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Energy crisis and expensive electric car bill, Motus-E attacks Facile.it

ROME – The research published by Facile.it, as well as other studies on charging costs published in these hours, represent only a partial vision of reality. This is why we believe the results are misleading for consumers and businesses. This was stated by Motus-E, the association that gathers the stakeholders of electric mobility, commenting on the research ‘Electric cars: + 161% for a recharge’.

Energy crisis, charging an electric car costs 161% more than a year ago

di Claudio Gerino

“The cost of electricity on which Facile.it’s calculations are based (which we take for example) refers exclusively to electricity purchased by a domestic customer with a volatile price and does not take into account those who have a fixed rate , nor those (which now exceed one million self-producers) who, thanks to a photovoltaic system, eliminate or reduce energy costs. In addition, the survey does not even mention who benefits from a flat rate for recharging public, or a plan, subject to subscription, in which the customer is offered a recharge package for a fixed cost (which can also be used in roaming between the main operators). With flat subscriptions, in fact, the rates remain between € 0.31 and € 0.35 / kWh. If we recalculate with these data also the cases of segment B of the Facile.it study, with consumption of 6.3 km / kWh to travel 1,000 km, at € 0.35 / kWh, we get only 55 € of costs instead of € 85, compared to € 83 for petrol and € 71 for diesel “.

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Motus-E also underlines that the prices of traditional fuels were chosen in a different period (last week of September ’22: petrol 1.633 € / l diesel 1.738 € / l), compared to which they have already risen (average last week available 17 October ’22: petrol 1,698 € / l diesel 1,833 € / l) by a further +4 and + 8%. The association also recalls that currently the value of traditional fuel prices is still heavily discounted (around 47%), “otherwise today we would be at the same prices as in March (around 2.16 € / l for diesel) and in June we would have exceeded 2.3 € / l, while electricity only had the exemption from system charges, equal to approximately 0.04 € / kWh, comparable to 6% of the current energy price “. Motus-E reminds you that most of the people who often use public charging infrastructures are precisely those who subscribe to flat subscriptions.

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Despite these clarifications, however, the association of electric mobility stakeholders cannot help but underline that “the energy crisis and the related increase in the prices of raw materials continue to cause our concern: the situation is unsustainable for many families and companies, regardless of how they move, and for this reason we are confident that the Italian Government and all European Ministers will converge on a solution of mitigation and decoupling from the price of gas as soon as possible “. At the same time, however, he reiterates “that in any case the dissemination and comparisons of partial and misleading data are equally harmful”.

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