Home » Maple Leaf is red – Entertainment – CGTN

Maple Leaf is red – Entertainment – CGTN

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Maple Leaf is red – Entertainment – CGTN

Original title: Maple leaves are red

sunny weather

The sun is warm in the late autumn. When I look up, I find that the red leaves in the mountains are dancing, deep and shallow red, bright and dark yellow, and the colors are strong and gorgeous, giving people a strong visual impact. The usual busy mind was instantly calm, and all the clues became casual. And the enthusiasm and yearning aroused in the heart, the call of the past seems to be close at hand, concrete and within reach. The wild chestnut forests in the mountains are also turning red, the beautiful red maples stand silently among the green pines, and the branches and leaves of the sumac in the corner of the small courtyard are stretched, and the atmosphere is pleasant. Is it this mixed touch of red? This deep and shallow story is silent but touches my heart.

I don’t want to get close to it. Although I have planned thousands of times in my heart, when will I have a grand grooming, galloping horses lightly, whipping the whip straight, and high-spirited. However, that is a kind of beauty, the realm lies in the distance, the appreciation of distance is not the gain or loss, but the understanding from a distance. What’s more, the cold air of winter is approaching night by night, and the beauty of the red leaves will not be retained, and the artistic conception will not have a blunt touch. Withered and yellow leaves, as soon as you reach out your hand, you can feel a stiff, cracking metal sound, and your soft heart will feel dull pain the moment you touch it. Touching the soft with the soft may be a beautiful encounter, but what about the inside and outside that touch the hard with a soft? Will the injured be soft? That being the case, why not leave a little bit of beauty for yourself, turn the scent of the past into wine, drink it slowly under the bright moon and breeze, and let the time fill your heart.

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Most of us know how to cherish ourselves, love our eyes, watch Jingshuang red leaves win fire, and be attracted by its passion. We choose happiness wisely, choose sunshine, even if the wind and rain come, we will sing that the rain will run the mountains and the mountains will be greener, and the flowers will be silent and affectionate. Our souls and emotions take care of each other, you know it, I know it, you and I both love it.

Life runs all the way forward, the hope of spring, the lushness of summer, we all wishful thinking that the days are still long. Therefore, we always say no hurry, walk slowly, watch slowly, love slowly, and be coquettish, angry, and troubled. Childlike willfulness and petty temper are necessary, because we like the simplicity and ignorance of green. The enthusiasm and impulsiveness of boys and girls are also necessary, because the romantic yellow and orange gives us vitality and anger. But now, the quiet beauty before the bleak autumn wind and the deep and restrained warmth of winter have deeply attracted us. The chaotic life, let our soul to seek enlightenment.

When one day, you can appreciate the beauty of red leaves, you can’t help but say that you have grown up. When I was young, someone taught me the beauty of red leaves all over the mountains, and someone rambled about the beauty of a red maple tree. Even if there was, at that moment, it was my mother and grandmother who sighed and sighed at the big maple tree that was stained red with blood in the setting sun, which made me raise my head. But thinking about growing up quickly, will the little man pay attention to that flame-like color? Can you understand that glow-in-the-dark smudge? When I was a little older, when I came back from a high school vacation in a distant place, I happened to see a red maple tree like fire in a mountain pass in late autumn, hunting and burning in the wind. At that time, I hoped that Meng Haoran would go to Dongting to go far and near, and the maple leaves were startled early. “Autumn” and so on, express a little gloomy feeling. Later, I started to work and began to taste what life is. I realized that the seasons are to be seen step by step, and life has to be tested step by step. Spring ploughing, summer green and autumn red come little by little. The red leaves are amazed again and again in Zhaohua, which has passed away in a hurry, attracting you to feel the emotions of the scenery again and again.

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Life is a process of continuous blooming. Who do you meet at the most beautiful time, who waits for you in the depths of the season, waits quietly at the intersection you pass by, waits for you all the way beautiful, gradually approaching, faded and green, slim… … Suddenly looking up, we are all in the stains of the years, a path of red, a few bamboo and green, the small courtyard is quiet, waiting for your verdant hand to gently knock on the door.

Years have passed, but the imprint of life is still there.

In the wind in the wilderness, the red leaves of the trees do not move, as if those quiet and beautiful signs do not move, they are showing passion and depicting the scenery, whether you approach or appreciate it from a distance, it is the warmth of the world. , warmly adds brightness to my heart.

The journey of life, or the waves are turbulent, or the beach has many waves, sometimes the water is clear, and sometimes the water is gentle, that kind of feeling, let’s call it happiness for the time being.

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