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symptoms, how long it lasts and how to prevent it

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symptoms, how long it lasts and how to prevent it

It records a sharp rise of the cases of seasonal flu and syndromes flu-like (III). This is what emerges from the first report InfluNet relative to the week 24-30 October published byIss.

Since the beginning of the surveillance, taken on 17 October, i almost registered are approx 557.000: 285,000 registered in the last monitored week alone, adding to the 272,500 cases in the previous week.

To contribute to the surge in cases, however, there are not only the influenza virus A (which is divided into H1, H3, N1 and N3) e Bbut also several respiratory viruses including:

  • i rhinovirus;
  • il Covid-19;
  • the adenovirus
  • the respiratory virus syncytial.

Given the sudden increase in cases, although theseasonal flu is very common, it should not be underestimated. In fact, the flu can come in different forms of severity, and sometimes it can even have fatal consequences. It is therefore worth knowing what are the symptoms and how prevent contagion.

Seasonal flu 2022: symptoms and risks

Seasonal flu starts running all over the peninsula and in just two weeks of monitoring there are about 557,000 contagion. Those most affected are children under the age of five, with an incidence of 19.6 cases per thousand assisted. THE symptoms may vary from person to person but i three main ones that tend to occur in almost all infected people are:

  • high fever sudden
  • cough (mostly dry and not greasy);
  • muscle aches.

To these are added others quite frequent such as:

  • headache;
  • chills of cold;
  • lack of appetite;
  • fatigue;
  • sore throat.
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Finally, in children the flu can also be accompanied by nausea, He retched e diarrhea.

Looking at the symptoms, which are not serious in themselves, seasonal flu, although very common, should definitely not be underestimated. As anticipated, the seasonal influences can lead to numerous complications, especially in some segments of the population. In fact, i younger children not Older people they run a major risk to develope pneumoniaboth viral and secondary bacterial.

Seasonal flu 2022: how it is transmitted and how long it lasts

In order to prevent the infection of oneself and loved ones it is important to know how flu viruses are transmitted and duration.

First of all, you need to know that theinfluenza it is a viral respiratory disease and therefore it can be easily transmitted via droplets (droplets) spread when sneezing, coughing or conversing, especially in closed places with very little air exchange. Not only. You can get the flu by getting in direct contact with infected people and through theuse of shared objectsas the virus tends to resist surfaces for a long time.

After being infected, theseasonal flu usually has a period of incubation of at least two days, usually it can last up to four and can be contagious from the day before the onset of symptoms until about five days after the onset of symptoms. Seasonal flu usually has one duration including between 7 and 10 days.

Seasonal flu 2022: how to prevent it

Given the serious risks that can involve the flu per elderly people, children and people fragile it is important to adopt a series of behaviors for prevent contagionwhich are exactly the same to prevent the spread of Covid.

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Among the most important we remember that it is essential wash your hands oftencover your nose and mouth with disposable tissues while coughing or sneezing e wear surgical masks in case some symptoms occur.

For the population groups most exposed to the risk of contagion, the most effective way to prevent seasonal flu is definitely to undergo the vaccine, which is renewed every year according to the mutation of the viruses, and which in case of contagion will see a milder symptomatology. Also, there is no downside to doing either the Covid vaccine along with that flu shotthe latter does not interfere with the immune response to other vaccines.

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