Home » Canceling the circuit breaker mechanism for inbound flights will no longer determine the second-closest connection – yqqlm

Canceling the circuit breaker mechanism for inbound flights will no longer determine the second-closest connection – yqqlm

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The comprehensive group of the joint prevention and control mechanism of the State Council announced on the 11th the “Notice on Further Optimizing the Prevention and Control Measures of the New Coronary Pneumonia Epidemic and Doing a Scientific and Accurate Prevention and Control Work”. The notice pointed out that the Party Central Committee has made important arrangements and made clear requirements for the 20 measures to further optimize the prevention and control work, and all localities and departments must implement all the optimization measures in place.

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When and how to isolate

The close contact management measures are adjusted to

“5-day centralized quarantine + 3-day home quarantine”

The notice makes it clear that for close contacts, the management measures of “7-day centralized isolation + 3-day home health monitoring” will be adjusted to “5-day centralized isolation + 3-day home isolation”, during which time they will be assigned code management and not allowed to go out. A nucleic acid test will be carried out on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 5th days of centralized isolation medical observation, and a nucleic acid test will be carried out on each of the 1st and 3rd days of home isolation medical observation.

Timely and accurately determine close contacts, and no longer determine close contact.

Adjusted the “7-day centralized quarantine” for spillover personnel in high-risk areas to “7-day home quarantine”, during which time they were assigned codes and were not allowed to go out. Carry out a nucleic acid test on the 1st, 3rd, 5th, and 7th days of home isolation.

Risk area delineation

The risk area is adjusted to two categories of “high and low”

Minimize control personnel

Adjust the risk area from “high, medium and low” to “high and low” to minimize the number of control personnel.

In principle, areas where infected persons live, workplaces and activity areas with frequent activities and high risk of epidemic transmission are designated as high-risk areas. High-risk areas are generally designated by units and buildings and cannot be expanded at will; Other areas in the county (city, district, flag) where the risk area is located are designated as low-risk areas.

No new infections were found in the high-risk area for 5 consecutive days, and it was reduced to a low-risk area. High-risk areas that meet the unblocking conditions should be unblocked in time.

For employees in high-risk positions who have completed closed-loop operations, the “7-day centralized isolation or 7-day home isolation” has been adjusted to “5-day home health monitoring”. During the period, code management is carried out, and a nucleic acid test is carried out on the 1st, 3rd, and 5th days. , do not go out unless it is necessary, and do not go to crowded public places or take public transportation if you really need to go out.

Nucleic acid testing requirements

areas without outbreaks

The scope of nucleic acid testing shall not be expanded

In areas where no epidemic has occurred, nucleic acid testing shall be carried out on risk positions and key personnel in strict accordance with the scope determined by the ninth edition of the prevention and control plan, and the scope of nucleic acid testing shall not be expanded. Generally, nucleic acid testing is not carried out for all employees by administrative area, but only when the source of infection and transmission chain are unclear, and the community transmission time is relatively long. Formulate specific implementation measures to standardize nucleic acid testing, reiterate and refine relevant requirements, and correct unscientific practices such as “two inspections a day” and “three inspections a day”.

Immigration management

Inbound important business personnel, etc.

Code management during activities

The circuit breaker mechanism for inbound flights has been cancelled, and the two negative nucleic acid test certificates within 48 hours before boarding have been adjusted to one negative nucleic acid test certificate within 48 hours before boarding.

For important business personnel and sports groups entering the country, they will be transferred “point-to-point” to the isolation-free closed-loop management area (“closed-loop bubble”) to carry out business, training, competition and other activities. Before entering the management area, Chinese personnel need to complete the new coronavirus vaccine booster immunization, and take corresponding isolation management or health monitoring measures according to the risk after completing the work.

It is clear that the positive judgment standard for inbound personnel is the nucleic acid test Ct value <35, and the risk assessment of the personnel with nucleic acid test Ct value of 35-40 when the centralized isolation is released. , Do not go out.

For those entering the country, the “7-day centralized isolation + 3-day home health monitoring” will be adjusted to “5-day centralized isolation + 3-day home isolation”, during which time they will be assigned codes for management and not allowed to go out. After the inbound personnel completes the quarantine at the first point of entry, the destination shall not be quarantined again. A nucleic acid test will be carried out on the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, and 5th days of centralized isolation medical observation, and a nucleic acid test will be carried out on each of the 1st and 3rd days of home isolation medical observation.

Medical resource construction

Prepare inpatient and intensive care beds

Increase rescue resources

Strengthen the construction of medical resources. Formulate grading and classified diagnosis and treatment plans, admission standards for patients with different clinical severity of infection, epidemic outbreaks in various medical institutions and treatment plans for medical staff infection, and do a good job in training all medical staff. Prepare inpatient beds and critically ill beds to increase treatment resources. Proceed in an orderly manner to vaccinate against the new coronavirus. Formulate a plan to accelerate the promotion of vaccination, and accelerate the increase of the coverage rate of vaccine booster immunization, especially for the elderly. Accelerate the development of monovalent or multivalent vaccines with broad-spectrum protection, and promote approval in accordance with laws and regulations. Accelerate the stockpiling of drugs related to the treatment of new coronary pneumonia. Do a good job in supply reserves to meet the medication needs of patients, especially the treatment needs of severe high-risk and elderly patients. Pay attention to the unique advantages of traditional Chinese medicine, and do a good job in the reserve of effective traditional Chinese medicine prescriptions. Strengthen the stockpile of emergency medicines and medical equipment.

Strengthen the protection of key institutions and key groups of people. Find out the background of the elderly, patients with underlying diseases, pregnant women, hemodialysis patients and other groups, and formulate health and safety protection plans. Optimize the management of places where vulnerable groups are concentrated, such as nursing homes, psychiatric hospitals, and welfare homes.

“One-size-fits-all” problem remediation

It is strictly forbidden to close schools, classes, work and production at will

It is strictly forbidden to arbitrarily adopt “silent” management

Implement the “four early” requirements to reduce the scale and disposal time of the epidemic. All localities should further improve the multi-channel monitoring, early warning and multi-point triggering mechanisms for the epidemic situation, carry out “on-the-ground inspections” for inter-provincial migrants, report those infected in a timely manner in accordance with the law, conduct flow adjustment and risk personnel management and control as soon as possible, and strictly implement early detection, Early reporting, early isolation, and early treatment can avoid the expansion of the front line and the extension of time. We must not wait and see and go our own way.

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Increase the “one-size-fits-all”, layer-by-layer problem rectification efforts. Local party committees and governments must fulfill their territorial responsibilities and strictly implement the national unified prevention and control policy. It is strictly forbidden to close schools and classes, stop work and production, block traffic without approval, adopt “silent” management at will, block and control at will, and do not unblock for a long time. All kinds of overweight behaviors such as random suspension of diagnosis and treatment, intensified notification and public exposure, and severely punished those who caused serious consequences in accordance with laws and regulations. Give full play to the role of special classes for rectifying problems at all levels, efficiently collect and transfer reports and clues, and urge local governments to make timely rectifications in place. The Health and Health Commission, the CDC, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Transportation and other industry authorities have strengthened the supervision and guidance of the industry system, increased the exposure of typical cases, and effectively played a deterrent effect.

Strengthen service guarantee

Clarify the specialized force for the supply of living materials

Improve the school’s emergency response capacity

Strengthen the service guarantee of closed and quarantined personnel. All localities should establish special classes for the guarantee of living materials, formulate and improve the market supply of daily necessities, distribution in closed communities, and regional joint security and supply in a timely manner, and make good reserves of important livelihood commodities. Comprehensively survey the basic information of the resident population in the community, grasp the situation of key personnel such as empty-nest seniors, children in distress, pregnant women, and patients with underlying diseases, and establish a list of key personnel and a list of needs during the epidemic. Optimize the terminal distribution in closed areas, clarify the special force for the supply of living materials, delineate fixed receiving points in the community, and open up the “last meter” of distribution. Guide the community to establish direct hotlines with medical institutions and pharmacies, equip the community with special vehicles, and ensure that the services are connected. We will do a good job of psychological counseling for those who are quarantined and quarantined, increase care and assistance for special groups such as the elderly, the weak, the sick and the disabled, and solve the actual difficulties of the people.

Optimize campus epidemic prevention and control measures. Improve the school-local coordination mechanism, strengthen joint prevention and control, strengthen the guarantee of emergency response to the epidemic on campus, prioritize campus transfer and isolation, nucleic acid testing, flow traceability, environmental disinfection, and guarantee of living materials, improve the school’s emergency response capacity, and support the school’s rapid response Handle the epidemic quickly. All localities and schools must strictly implement the prevention and control measures of the state and education departments, and resolutely implement the requirements of scientific and precise prevention and control, and must not increase the control and control. The Ministry of Education and various provincial and prefecture-level education departments took the lead in setting up special work classes to investigate one by one the random closure and control of the campus, the closure and control time is too long, the offline teaching is not carried out for a long time, the living security cannot keep up, and the family members of teachers, students and employees are managed and controlled. Inconsistent requirements and other prominent problems and urge rectification, rectification of inadequate prevention and control and excessive epidemic prevention. Education departments at all levels have set up complaint platforms and hotlines to accept, transfer and respond to complaints in a timely manner, establish a mechanism of “responding to complaints immediately”, and improve the feedback mechanism for quick response and resolution of problems, so as to timely promote the resolution of urgent problems for teachers and students.

Prevention and control of enterprises and industrial parks

“One Enterprise One Policy” “One Garden One Policy”

Formulate an epidemic prevention and control plan

Implement prevention and control measures for enterprises and industrial parks. The joint prevention and control mechanism of each region should set up a special class to find out the basic number of enterprises and industrial parks in the jurisdiction, including private enterprises, and formulate epidemic prevention and control plans for “one enterprise, one policy” and “one park, one policy”. Implement the main responsibility for epidemic prevention and control of enterprises and industrial parks, establish a full responsibility system for epidemic prevention and control from enterprises and park management to workshop teams and front-line employees, and refine the entire process of epidemic prevention and control accounts. Strictly check the risk of the epidemic for those returning to work, and return to work only after confirming their health. Strengthen the life, epidemic prevention and job rotation guarantees for employees in key positions and key processes, improve the management methods for third-party outsourced personnel, and strictly manage the access of social personnel. During the outbreak of the epidemic, we must make every effort to ensure the smooth flow of logistics, and shall not arbitrarily require key enterprises that are related to the overall situation of the industrial chain and related to people’s livelihood to suspend production and production, and implement the “white list” system.

Sort and orderly do a good job in dispersing the stranded personnel. Where the epidemic occurs, the risk area should be delineated in a timely and accurate manner. For non-local personnel who are not in the high-risk area, they should be allowed to leave after assessing the risk, so as to avoid detention, and take precautions during the return journey. Where there are many stranded people, special relief plans should be formulated, information communication and cooperation should be strengthened between the origin and destination, and stable arrangements should be made under the premise of effectively preventing the spillover of the epidemic. Capacity guarantee. The destination must enhance the awareness of the overall situation, must not refuse to accept the return of the stranded personnel, and implement the prevention and control measures for the returning personnel as required, not only to avoid the spillover of the epidemic, nor to increase the control.According to Xinhua

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