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Seasonal flu, the steps to prevent it

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Seasonal flu, the steps to prevent it

The cold season is never an easy time when it comes to ailments: respiratory infections, colds, fever and flu are just around the corner. It is better to play smart, that is to say prevent. Also in view of the fact that, according to experts, this year will be characterized by a rather aggressive flu peak, after the restrictive measures against Covid-19 last two years, primarily the use of masks and social distancing, had helped defend us.

Seasonal flu

The flu is one seasonal respiratory disease caused by viruses that infect the airways (nose, throat and lungs), mostly typical of autumn and winter when it is cold and humid and one is more subject to sudden changes in terms between the high temperatures of the internal environments and the low ones of the external ones. Yup transmitted mainly by droplets spread through coughs or sneezes, as well as can be transmitted through direct or indirect contact with contaminated respiratory secretions, for example mucus and saliva contained on the tissues used by a person with the flu. But it can also be transmitted simply talking close to a sick person. The incubation period for seasonal flu is usually a couple of days, although it can range from one to four days.


“Influenza symptoms typically include the sudden onset of high fever, cough and body aches, as well as headaches, chills, loss of appetite, fatigue and sore throat. Nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea may also occur, especially in children. Most people recover within a week to 10 days, but some people (those 65 and older, young children and adults, and children with chronic conditions) are at risk of more serious complications or worsening of their condition basic,” it reads Influenza prevention and control: recommendations for the 2022-2023 seasonsigned by the Ministry of Health.
It is not a trivial disease, as erroneously believed by many, just think that the European Center for Disease Control estimates that every year in Europe there are between 4 and 50 million symptomatic cases of influenza and that 15,000/70,000 European citizens die from causes associated with influenzaof which 90% of deaths occur in individuals over the age of 65, especially among those with underlying chronic medical conditions.

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How to play ahead

“Prevention is better than cure”, is a popular saying among the most truthful and that never goes out of style. Even in the case of flu, prevention is the most effective weapon.

Vaccine. In the top ten for prevention, the flu vaccination stands out, recommended at the beginning of the epidemic season from 6 months of age upwards. Influenza viruses vary from season to season, so it is necessary to get vaccinated every year, from mid-October to the end of December, to obtain coverage for the following 6-8 weeks.

Wash your hands regularly. Covid-19 has perhaps dusted off a habit that many tended to overlook, that is the importance of having clean hands. Although it is an underestimated gesture, it is a practice recognized by the World Health Organization as one of the most effective for controlling the spread of infections even in hospitals. They should be washed thoroughly with soap and water, for at least 40-60 seconds each time, especially after coughing or sneezing, and then pat dry. It is also useful to keep gods in your purse alcohol-based hand sanitizersto resort to after using public transport or frequenting common places.

Have good respiratory hygiene. Mouth and nose should be covered when sneezing or coughing, with disposable handkerchiefs to be thrown in the trash immediately after using them. Also, avoid touching your mouth and eyes if your hands are not clean.

Ventilate enclosed spaces. A single sneeze is enough to disperse thousands of micro particles of saliva into the air that reach up to 10 meters away. Open windows it’s the only way to lower the concentration of viruses in closed spaces, opening them wide for a couple of minutes at least once an hour.

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Spending time outdoors. Shutting up indoors to avoid catching cold when you are healthy is not a healthy behavior. Going out in the open air even for just 15 minutes of daytime walk stimulates the immunitary defense, increases the production of vitamin D and significantly improves mood. Just cover yourself with suitable clothing.

Good nutrition. Eating lightly every day and drinking a lot to restore liquids and mineral salts helps reduce the risk of getting sick with the flu. Plenty of room for seasonal fruit and vegetables and all healthy foods that strengthen the immune system. Among the foods to be preferred during the winter is chicken broth, once a week it can only be good for us.

Hydration. Drinking at least one and a half liters of water a day is essential for the correct functioning of our body, to prevent the flu and to favor the elimination of the virus. Drinking it also replenishes micronutrients such as calcium, magnesium and potassium which maintain a correct homeostasis of the body. Furthermore, water has a detoxifying power, to eliminate harmful substances and waste.

No smoke. Smokers are more prone to influenza viruses than non-smokers because the respiratory tract suffers a double attack, from cigarettes and viruses, so the flu takes a long time to pass in these people.

Physical exercise. Physical activity is healthy, but in moderation because sport immediately reduces the immune response and exposes you to sudden changes in temperature that open the door to disease. So yes to physical exercise practiced consistently during the winter season, but without excessive effort (for example, participating in marathons is not the best).

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No stress. The more stressed you are, the sicker you get. As long as stress is limited to short-lived periods, it’s a natural reaction that helps you face and overcome difficult and dangerous situations. On the other hand, if you live continuously under stress, the immune system is significantly weakened.

Rest. Resting, especially if you are tired, regenerates body and mind and helps prevent (and cure) the flu. The advice is to sleep at least 7 hours a night, but if you contract a flu or parainfluenza virus, it is good to rest at the first onset of symptoms.

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