Home » War Ukraine, 5 motions to vote tomorrow. Senate, majority amendment extends shipment of weapons to 2023

War Ukraine, 5 motions to vote tomorrow. Senate, majority amendment extends shipment of weapons to 2023

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War Ukraine, 5 motions to vote tomorrow.  Senate, majority amendment extends shipment of weapons to 2023

The appointment is for tomorrow, Tuesday 29 November: at 10 am the Chamber of Deputies has on the agenda the general discussion of the motions on the Russia-Ukraine conflict. A politically “hot” issue that will allow the majority to be held – oriented towards a joint motion in support of Ukraine with green light for sending arms to Kiev – and the ability of the opposition to unite. Which is anything but easy: on the eve of the vote, internal sources assure that the Democratic Party will abstain or vote against the Ukraine motion presented by the M5S, first signed by Giuseppe Conte: “We certainly won’t vote in favor if they abstain on our , we will do the same for theirs”.

The line of the majority on the conflict in Ukraine, pending the reading of the definitive version of the motions for the attention of Montecitorio, emerges clear from a amendment to the decree on participation in NATO missions and on measures for the health service in Calabria, now being examined by the Senate. The modification proposal, presented by the rapporteurs Roberto Menia (FdI) and Clotilde Minasi (Lega), provides for the “extension until 31 December 2023” of the shipment of weapons and “military vehicles” to Ukraine. the Green-Left Alliance rises: “A coup de main”. Nicola Fratoianni, national secretary of the Italian Left, accuses the “running government”. In the decree “there are extraordinary measures for the health of Calabria, an extension for some AIFA commissions, and measures for NATO personnel. And what do they do? They put in the extension for another 12 months for weapons in Ukraine. A full slap in the face of Parliament ”.

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Majority: yes to defense spending equal to 2% of GDP, without budget constraints

The non-definitive draft of the motion on which the parties of the majority are working commits the Government, among other things, “to support the regulatory initiatives necessary to extend until December 31, 2023 the authorization, subject to the addressing act of the Chambers, of the transfer of , military materials and equipment to the government authorities of Ukraine in the terms and in the manner established by article 2-bis of the decree-law of 25 February 2022, n. 14”, the validity of which will expire on December 31st.

In another passage, the motion of the majority commits the Government, among other things, “to take all the necessary initiatives to achieve the objective of spending on defense equal to 2% of GDP, also by promoting, within the framework of the reform of the Stability and Growth Pact, the exclusion of investment expenditure in the defense sector from the calculation of budget constraints”.

M5S: Government commitment to explain to Parliament possible shipment of weapons

The motions on the table, barring last minute news, should be five: in addition to the one on which the majority is working, jointly signed by Lega, Forza Italia and Fratelli d’Italia, motions have also been presented by Pd, Azione-Iv, Alleanza Verdi- Left and 5 Star Movement. The latter commits the Government, among other things, “to wanting to illustrate in advance to the parliamentary halls the political direction to be taken on the occasion of international forums concerning the Russia-Ukraine conflict, including that concerning the possible sending of military supplies , in order to take into account the guidelines formulated by them”. Among the seven requests for commitment to the Executive also the promotion of “initiatives in which our country becomes the interpreter and protagonist of a new phase of diplomatic efforts so that the risk of a further military escalation is averted” and “the convening of a Conference on Security in Europe, with a view to re-establishing, in the name of a renewed spirit of Helsinki, a framework of peace, security and cooperation, as well as launching a process for a Multilateral Conference on Peace”.

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