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Western media: Argentines are crazy about Messi and finally surpassed Maradona|Argentina|Lionel Messi|World Cup_Sina Military_Sina.com

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Western media: Argentines are crazy about Messi and finally surpassed Maradona|Argentina|Lionel Messi|World Cup_Sina Military_Sina.com

Original title: Western media: Argentines are crazy about Messi and finally surpassed Maradona

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  Western media: Argentines are crazy about Messi and finally surpass Maradona

In the eyes of the Argentine, the combination of Messi’s football skills and his words and deeds off the field has lifted him to unprecedented heights. He can already match Maradona, or even surpass the latter.

▲ Fans unfurled banners with portraits of Maradona and Messi (AFP)Fans unfurl banners with images of Maradona and Messi (AFP)

The Spanish newspaper Le Monde wrote in a report titled “Messi finally overtakes Maradona: this is no longer in dispute in Argentina”, Lionel Messi knows that as long as he wins another game in Qatar He can win the championship that has been “denied” him throughout his career. “World Cup winner”, that’s a very real possibility, but he has another goal that has been elusive: gaining the unanimous approval and admiration of Argentines.

If Messi was and is extraordinary, so are his countrymen. While football fans in nearly 200 countries and regions eagerly look forward to seeing Messi in the blue and white striped shirt, millions of Argentines in South America squander this treasure year after year: They have been belittling, criticizing Messi and always thinking that he is not as good as Diego Maradona.

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A few years ago, journalists from a Catalan regional TV station took to the streets of Barcelona looking for Messi critics, but it was clear they were in the wrong place: if they flew to Buenos Aires, they would be in the wrong place. It will be very rewarding. In the capital of the Catalan region, they simply could not find anyone to criticize the left-handed star.

▲Fans celebrating in the Argentine capital Buenos Aires (Reuters)Fans celebrate in the Argentine capital Buenos Aires (Reuters)

Today, however, critics of Messi in Argentina can shut up. The combination of Messi’s football skills and his words and deeds off the field has lifted him to unprecedented heights. He can already match Maradona, or even surpass the latter, and there will be no more annoying comparisons. His new image as a footballer (different from the previous part of his career, but decidedly more passionate and efficient) is captivating his compatriots.

Messi’s reaction to his penalty-kick win against the Netherlands was the decisive catalyst. “What are you looking at, idiot? Go away, you idiot!” These two sentences drove the Argentines crazy for several reasons: it showed Messi’s domineering side, he dared to anger a 1.97-meter-tall man A strong European man, but this also shows Messi’s “Argentine true colors”. Although he arrived in Europe at the age of 13 and has spent two-thirds of his life in Europe so far, his “local accent” has not changed at all.

▲Messi's angry words against Dutch players have been printed on T-shirts for sale (AFP)Messi’s angry words against Dutch players have been printedTT-shirts for sale (AFP)

Messi’s use of the word “stupid” against Dutch player Walter Verhorst has also sparked a commercial phenomenon. Less than an hour after this sentence swept the social network and the media, the Mercado e-commerce platform known as the “Argentine Amazon” began selling T-shirts and coffee cups with this sentence printed on it.

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The Argentine is rediscovering a previously forgotten sense of joy and pride. A country with a persistent economic crisis, 100% annual inflation, over 40% poverty, and “toxic politics” is on the brink of an abyss that is swallowing up all hope of making Argentina great.

After the World Cup, the reality punch will hit again, but at least for now there will be no political fights (because no one will pay attention to them). Fans of various clubs in Argentina who are usually incompatible with each other are dancing and singing together, and having a collective carnival in Qatar and major cities in Argentina.

Producer | Sun Yande

Review | Tian Xin

Editor | Xu Haiting

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