Home » Xuzhou Municipal Party Committee Economic Work Conference Held Speech by Song Lewei and Wang Jianfeng_ChinaJiangsu.com

Xuzhou Municipal Party Committee Economic Work Conference Held Speech by Song Lewei and Wang Jianfeng_ChinaJiangsu.com

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On December 29, the Economic Work Conference of the Xuzhou Municipal Party Committee was held to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, earnestly implement the decisions and deployments of the Central and Provincial Party Committee Economic Work Conferences, summarize this year’s work, analyze the current situation, make arrangements for next year’s economic work, and mobilize The whole city will stick to its goals, work hard, and forge ahead to better promote high-quality economic and social development, and make a good start for the comprehensive construction of a socialist modern and strong city. Song Lewei, secretary of the Xuzhou Municipal Party Committee, made a speech, Wang Jianfeng, deputy secretary of the Municipal Party Committee and mayor, made specific arrangements, Wang Anshun, director of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People’s Congress, attended the meeting, and Han Dongmei, deputy secretary of the Xuzhou Municipal Party Committee, presided over the meeting.

The meeting held that this year is an extraordinary year in the development of Xuzhou. Faced with the impact of the once-in-a-century epidemic, the intricate external environment, and the intertwined difficulties and challenges, the whole city adheres to the guidance of Xi Jinping Thought on Socialism with Chinese Characteristics for a New Era, with the aim of welcoming the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China and studying, publicizing and implementing the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China. The main line is to resolutely implement the major requirements of “preventing the epidemic, stabilizing the economy, and ensuring safety in development”, effectively coordinating epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development, and coordinating development and security, maintaining a stable and healthy economic environment and a social environment for Guotai Minan In a clean and upright political environment, solid steps have been taken on the new journey of building socialist modernization in an all-round way, and hard-won achievements have been achieved. While affirming the achievements, we must also be soberly aware of the outstanding difficulties and problems facing economic development, strengthen our confidence and determination, face up to the gaps and shortcomings, take more effective measures, work hard to overcome difficulties, and continue to win new victories.

The meeting pointed out that next year is the first year to fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, and doing a good job in economic work is arduous and of great significance. General Secretary Xi Jinping’s important speech at the Central Economic Work Conference is highly ideological, theoretical, strategic, and practical. It has pointed out the direction and provided fundamental guidelines for us to do a good job in next year’s work. It is necessary to deeply study and understand the important speeches of General Secretary Xi Jinping and the spirit of the Central and Provincial Party Committee Economic Work Conferences, strengthen confidence in development, maintain strategic determination, grasp the general trend and follow the trend in the accurate recognition of changes, seize opportunities and work hard in the scientific response, Efforts will be made to promote the overall stability and improvement of economic operation, and create a new situation of development with stronger responsibilities.

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The meeting emphasized that to do a good job in next year’s economic work, we must adhere to the guidance of Xi Jinping’s new era of socialism with Chinese characteristics, fully implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, thoroughly implement the spirit of General Secretary Xi Jinping’s inspection of Jiangsu and Xuzhou’s important speeches, and comprehensively promote China’s The new practice of modernization in Xuzhou, adhere to the general tone of the work of seeking progress while maintaining stability, fully, accurately and comprehensively implement the new development concept, accelerate the service construction of a new development pattern, focus on promoting high-quality development, and better coordinate epidemic prevention and control and economic and social development. Coordinating development and security, organically combining the implementation of the strategy of expanding domestic demand with deepening supply-side structural reforms, focusing on stabilizing growth, employment, and prices, comprehensively deepening reform and opening up, vigorously boosting market confidence, and effectively preventing and resolving major Risk, continue to protect and improve people’s livelihood, achieve effective improvement in economic quality and reasonable growth in quantity, build a central city in the Huaihai Economic Zone with higher quality, and better “take up a new mission and write a new chapter” in the new era and new journey.

The meeting emphasized that to do a good job in next year’s economic work, we must adhere to the principle of stability and progress while maintaining stability, adhere to the concept of system, maintain integrity and innovation, insist on enhancing confidence and stimulating vitality, adhere to seeking truth from facts, respect laws, adhere to bottom-line thinking, and problem-oriented. Outline Jumu Zhang grasps five key tasks: First, take multiple measures to expand effective demand, firmly grasp the key to expanding domestic demand, give full play to the basic role of consumption, the key role of investment, and the supporting role of exports, so as to consolidate and stabilize growth Second, we must further promote industrial transformation and upgrading, adhere to the principle of “industrial establishment and strong industry”, take the cultivation of “343” innovative industrial clusters as a breakthrough point, accelerate the construction of a strong advanced manufacturing city, and actively create a highland for the modern service industry , accelerate the improvement of the development level of the digital economy, make every effort to build a regional science and technology innovation center, fully stimulate the vitality of market players, and strive to build a modern industrial system; third, we must speed up the construction of regional central cities, and make full use of the provincial “one city, one policy” support policy. Improve functional quality, highlight characteristic charm, deepen coordinated development, promote rural revitalization, and comprehensively enhance the primacy and influence of central cities; Fourth, we must make greater efforts to improve people’s livelihood and people’s livelihood, firmly establish a people-centered development concept, and solidly implement Improve people’s livelihood, focus on stabilizing employment and prices, optimize the supply of public services, improve the ecological well-being of the masses, and continuously improve the happiness index of the masses, so that the results of reform and development can benefit the people of the city more and more equitably; The sense of responsibility of “Don’t worry about it”, enhance the awareness of urgency, adhere to the bottom line thinking, scientifically and accurately prevent and control the epidemic situation, do a good job in safety production, prevent and resolve various risks and hidden dangers, comprehensively improve the level of social governance, resolutely hold the bottom line of safe development, and guarantee high-level security High-quality development.

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The meeting emphasized the need to earnestly strengthen the party’s leadership over economic work. The whole city must strengthen the study and understanding of Xi Jinping’s economic thought, consciously implement the spirit of the economic work conference of the central and provincial party committees, improve the implementation mechanism of major decision-making arrangements, improve the ability to promote high-quality development, and create a good environment for working hard and doing business. Efforts to complete the goals and tasks of economic and social development.

The meeting pointed out that around next year’s goals, tasks and key issues, it is necessary to focus on six aspects of work. They are: go all out to speed up economic recovery, maximize the effect of policies, continue to make efforts to expand domestic demand, fully stimulate the vitality of market players, and actively create a first-class business environment; unswervingly build a strong industrial city, do a good job in cluster articles, and open up Integrate paths, improve innovation capabilities, and strengthen intensive orientation; comprehensively and systematically build central cities, plan cities with first-class standards, build cities with craftsmanship, manage cities with embroidery skills, and operate cities with market thinking; promote rural revitalization according to local conditions, and promote high-quality agriculture. Efficient, promote the livability and business in the countryside, and promote the prosperity of farmers; do a good job in the construction of a beautiful Xuzhou, and work hard on “pollution reduction”, “green expansion” and “carbon reduction”; use heart and soul to improve people’s livelihood and well-being, stabilize employment and increase income Practical and excellent supply, strong guarantee bottom line.

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The meeting called for the whole city to unite more closely around the Party Central Committee with Comrade Xi Jinping as the core, strengthen confidence, unite and work hard, dare to do good deeds, and implement pragmatically, so as to make greater breakthroughs in the high-quality construction of the central city of Huaihai Economic Zone. Make new and greater contributions to comprehensively promote the new practice of Chinese-style modernization in Xuzhou.

The meeting will be held by video. Members of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, leaders of the Standing Committee of the Municipal People’s Congress, the Municipal Government, and the CPPCC Municipal Committee, the Chief Prosecutor of the Municipal Procuratorate, comrades in charge of the party and government of all counties (cities, districts) and Xuzhou Economic and Technological Development Zone, and the offices and bureaus of the ministries and commissions of the Municipal Party Committee and the offices of various municipal committees The main responsible comrades of bureaus (companies) and directly affiliated units of the city, the main responsible comrades of party members of the Municipal People’s Congress, the CPPCC special committees and working institutions, and the main responsible comrades of the provincial units stationed in Xuzhou attended the meeting at the main venue or branch venues. (Reporter Wei Ning)

On December 29, the Economic Work Conference of the Xuzhou Municipal Party Committee was held to thoroughly study and implement the spirit of the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, earnestly implement the decisions and deployments of the Central and Provincial Party Committee Economic Work Conferences, summarize this year’s work, analyze the current situation, make arrangements for next year’s economic work, and mobilize The whole city will stick to its goals, work hard, and forge ahead to better promote high-quality economic and social development, and make a good start for the comprehensive construction of a socialist modern and strong city.

On December 29, the Economic Work Conference of the Xuzhou Municipal Party Committee was held to study and practice in depth…

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