Home » Rave decree, yes after the clashes. No Vax doctors can go back to work. A case of the absentees in Forza Italia

Rave decree, yes after the clashes. No Vax doctors can go back to work. A case of the absentees in Forza Italia

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Rave decree, yes after the clashes.  No Vax doctors can go back to work.  A case of the absentees in Forza Italia

The Rave Decree is safe. With 183 yeses and 116 nos, the provision, which expired this evening, has definitively become law. All at the end of a marathon that had lasted for several days amidst the opposition’s controversies, ready to do anything to make the decree void. On the other hand, the government, determined to let it pass. So at 15 this afternoon the words of the president of the Chamber Fontana arrived. “I suspend the session for the holding of the meeting of the Conference of Group Leaders convened immediately”. And the go-ahead for the “guillotine”: a procedure, permitted by parliamentary regulations, which provides for the “cutting” of discussions on the agendas. The conference of group leaders approved, the oppositions protested by waving the text of the Constitution in the classroom. But the vote of confidence has arrived, as the government wanted. And the decree, complete with important amendments such as the one on the impediment prison and the reinstatement of No Vax sanitary ware, as mentioned, is law. Complete with the signature of President Mattarella. “We were forced,” said President Fontana.

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Not just Rave: the contents of decree
In addition to the introduction of the new «rave crime» (with imprisonment from three to six years and a fine from 1,000 to 10,000 euros for «anyone who organizes or promotes the arbitrary invasion of other people’s land or buildings, public or private, in order to hold a musical gathering or gathering for other entertainment purposes when the invasion results in a concrete danger to public health or public safety”), the decree also includes new rules, the real reason why the oppositions have tried to give battle.
the one onlife imprisonment provides that prison benefits are admitted to those convicted of crimes against the public administration, from extortion to corruption to embezzlement, even if they have not collaborated with justice.
Then there is the one concerning i medici no vax. It provides for the early reinstatement of health workers who are not in compliance with the vaccinations against Covid, the suspension of fines of 100 euros for those over 50 who have not fulfilled the vaccination obligation, the stop to the obligation of a negative swab at the end of isolation for positive. And again: no more Green Passes to visit relatives hospitalized and RSA and extension of the Unit’s operations for the completion of the vaccination campaign.

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Dl Rave, Fontana applies the trap: the Chamber approves the decree

Opposition protests
“Unfortunately now with this latest tool of the trap the squeeze regarding the ability of the opposition to play its role has been further confirmed. We find ourselves with a mortification of the role of the opposition». So the president of the 5 Star Movement, Joseph Conte. “We come from a compressed space already as regards the Budget law – said Conte – where in fact it was written and then rewritten almost entirely, therefore there had already been a substantial compression for the opposition to play its role and make a contribution.

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“We had to get to the end of the year, with an increasingly out of control situation in China, to get a shred of word from the government on Covid which turns into a simple recommendation for the over 60s to get the fourth dose of the vaccine“. She declares it Francesco Boccia, Senator of the Democratic Party and responsible for the Regions and Local Authorities of the National Secretariat. «No indication or circular on pediatric boosters, no indication to the rest of the Italians on coverage or on the need to all make another booster dose. Only generic words on masks and abstract hypotheses of smart working. This is health prevention at the time of the denial right”.

The «case» of the absentees of Forza Italia
The official records speak for themselves. Despite the ‘recommendations’ in chat sent by the group leader Alessandro Cattaneo in the morning (”Get organized to ensure presence for the final vote in the evening”) 13 Forza Italia deputies out of 44 of the group in the Chamber did not participate in the final vote on the rave decree, despite not being on a mission. The first, and the only one so far, to declare his ‘dissent’ from the official line of the party with videos on social media was Nazario Pagano: ‘”I didn’t vote not because I didn’t agree with all the contents of the decree but because within it, in article 7, there is a rule that I do not agree with and that is the revocation of the suspension of professional activity for the so-called ‘no vax’ doctors ». In reality, they tell, in addition to a clear political discontent, not so much for the measures on the crime of rave or the impediment prison but for the reinstatement of no-vax doctors (just think that in the first reading at Palazzo Madama the force leader Licia Ronzulli slipped off , by not voting), among the 13 there are several justified absentees. In fact, there are those who have deserted the hemicycle for other reasons: health, such as the case of Cristina Rossello, Katia Polidori and Francesco Cannizzaro, who let it be known that they have sent a medical certificate, or for strictly family reasons such as Debora Bergamini , who assures beraking latest news: «I share the spirit of the decree». But there are also those who report, as always happens in these cases, did not come to the Chamber because after participating in the non-stop maneuver marathon and the rave itself, they wanted to go home to their family or went on vacation ahead of the New Year. For the record, 4 Azzurri were absent because they were on a mission. Cattaneo dampens any controversy and tells beraking latest news: «The absences in Fi are all justified and largely due to seasonal influences. Only my colleague Pagano – specifies the president of the forced deputies – expressed a distinction on the final vote, without having missed his vote of confidence yesterday”.

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