Home » Prevention and research against skin cancers, here’s what to know – Sanremonews.it

Prevention and research against skin cancers, here’s what to know – Sanremonews.it

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The sun, or rather the ultraviolet rays UVA and UVB, have many positive effects on the body. However, excessive exposure is the main risk factor for cutaneous melanoma, the most aggressive of the skin cancers, which in Italy represents the third most frequent cancer under the age of 50.

L’incidence of melanoma has increased significantly over the past 10 years: it is estimated that in 2020 it affected about 14,800 people (8,100 men and 6,700 women), with a growth of 20% compared to 2019 and 15% compared to 2011. The increase can be partly attributed to the increased attention paid to this pathology and the availability of better diagnostic tools, but in large part it is due to the use of UV tanning lamps, particularly in the early years of the millennium. (Source: AIOM, AIRTUM, AIOM Foundation and PASSI, Cancer numbers in Italy 2020)


If on the one hand the diagnoses have increased, on the other 5-year survival increased to 87%, with an increase of about 15% in recent decades, thanks to earlier diagnoses and AI advances in research, which have greatly improved the treatment of this pathology, for example, immunotherapy.

AIRC Foundation for Cancer Research is making an important contribution to these advances: in 2020 alone, it has allocated around 7.5 million euros to 32 projects, 2 special programs and 16 scholarships in this area. The commitment of the researchers is aimed in particular at:

?? search tools for identify patients at risk and therapeutic strategies for prevent relapses

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?? study how improve effectiveness therapies for metastatic disease and how overcome resistance

?? combine immunotherapy with targeted therapies and other treatments (such as surgery and radiotherapy) in advanced forms

?? analyze the genetic profile of the tumor in pediatric patients or any mutations present in familiar people, to identify elements that may predispose to the disease

?? evaluate the role of immune system in the course of the disease and to study how to stimulate it to act against cancer by changing lifestyles.


The AIRC ambassador also takes the field to raise public awareness of the risks and benefits of sunlight Giulia Arena. The popular face of the Paradise of the Ladies stars in a new episode of Health Pills where it remembers some simple rules to expose ourselves to the sun without damaging our skin, especially in summer, When the risk increases due to the extension of the exposed surface, due to prolonged exposure times and more intense solar radiation. Link al video: https://youtu.be/TDIRfqjxCU0

Also on this occasion, the AIRC Foundation is committed to dissemination of information and advice for prevention through its editorial publications, social channels and the airc.it website, which dedicates a section to these issues: https://www.airc.it/cancro/prevention-tumore/il-sole

Channels Instagram, Facebook e YouTube of AIRC host a number of appointments with science communicators, doctors and researchers to tell the progress of research, studies for the development of new drugs and provide useful information for correct exposure to the sun. Among these, a direct Instagram with Beatrice Mautino, divulgator note how @divagatrice, who spoke about the role of vitamin D for health and the relationship between ultraviolet exposure and cancer development. The recording of the intervention is available at this link: https://www.instagram.com/tv/CQJiCCVFMAj/

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AIRC | Since 1965 with courage, against cancer AIRC Foundation for Cancer Research supports innovative scientific projects thanks to transparent and constant fundraising, spreads scientific information, promotes the culture of prevention in homes, squares and schools. It counts on 4.5 million supporters, 20 thousand volunteers and 17 regional committees that guarantee over 5,000 researchers – 61% women and 51% ‘under 40’ – the necessary resources to bring the results from the laboratory to the patient in the shortest possible time. In over 50 years of commitment, AIRC has distributed over 1 billion and six hundred million euros for the financing of cancer research (data updated and updated as of January 15, 2021). Information and insights on airc.it

5×1000 for the AIRC Foundation multiplies the research results Approximately 1.6 million Italians each year choose to allocate their 5 per 1000 to AIRC, thus allowing the birth of 23 special programs and hundreds of research projects to find new treatments and new diagnostic tools. A choice that is making a difference in making cancer more and more treatable. It is possible to multiply the results of cancer research by entering the tax number 80051890152 in the tax return. Information and insights on airc.it/sostienici/5-x-mille

To know all the initiatives and be updated in real time


A cura di AIRC


All the articles written by the undersigned, make use of the major sites and documents based on evidence, where necessary the source of the news will be mentioned: they DO NOT replace the health chain of control and diagnosis of all the figures in charge, such as doctors. Only a doctor can diagnose and prepare a treatment plan.

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Sources may be out of date and at the state of the art there may be treatments, diagnoses and improved pathways compared to the article.

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The Nurse is a graduate health professional whose job is the administration of care, symptom control and health education culture.

Roberto Pioppo

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