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Ai Ai Ai! – the Republic

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Ai Ai Ai!  – the Republic

In the week before the end-of-year holidays at Anubi Digital we defined and approved the strategy and the product operating plan for 2023. There will be improvements to the current platform and some important innovations, to achieve which, as always, will require heavy work from part of our developer team.

The project that should have been done first required two weeks of full-time work by two programmersplus of course the time required for checking, integrating and putting it online.

But something unpredictable happened just a month ago.

Our CTO (the head of the technical department) almost as a joke, he asked Chat GPT to create that software, and Chat GPT delivered it to him in 4 seconds flat.

About 160 man-hours of human work done in 4 seconds.

Chat GPT is precisely a chat, based on an incredibly advanced neural network and, as such, in continuous improvement (the more it is used, the more it learns and improves its answers) and it is something that will revolutionize the world of work in the coming years like few other things before her.

Created within the American company OpenAI, Chat GPT is free – for now – and responds in practically real time to any of your answers, in any language, although it is still in beta version. To say: those of my generation ask Google, and Google diligently displays the things most inherent to our question that are found on the web; twenty-year-olds, on the other hand, are now asking Tik Tok more than Google, which answers the same question with all the videos related to that question on its platform. In the next few years we will all ask Chat GPT too, which will process billions and billions of data and provide (already provides) the best possible answer, as if there were someone writing on the other side.

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Launched a couple of months ago, Chat GPT took just 5 days to exceed one million usersshattering any previous record (Netflix took 3 and a half years, Facebook 10 months, Instagram 2 and a half months, the iPhone 74 days) and as I write it has already exceeded 6 million.

But in addition to giving us complete answers on any topic – sometimes with indisputable uncertainties and some slip-ups, but we are just at the beginning, GPT Chat also writes software. You tell her what you need and she does it. Too good to be true, we said to ourselves, and for this reason at Anubi Digital we decided to put it to the test.

Andrea, our CTO, wrote to her exactly what we needed and 4 seconds later she sent him the code. In the office we were all quite incredulous. At that point Andrea went there to check every detail, imagining it was a code full of errors.


The code was practically perfect. A small change of a few minutes and it was ready to be integrated into our platform.

How Lex works

Part of this article was written by an artificial intelligence

Francis Marino

Now, consider that all this happened a month after the launch of Chat GPT, which is still in beta version. So imagine what he will be able to do in just three, six, twelve months. I foresee an exponential development in the quality of your responses and your work.

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And I predict that the impact on the digital economy will be huge or, as startuppers say, disruptive.

A huge amount of not overly complicated software (at least for the first few months, then we’ll see) can be developed in this way. In a world where developers are the scarce resource, Chat GPT completely overturns the current paradigm by offering companies from all over the world opportunities unimaginable until now.

Software is eating the world, said Marc Andreessen, one of the most famous venture capitalists in the world, a decade ago. Today, software is about to become a commodity. Let’s take a startup that wants to launch a new app on the market in the coming months, and that is looking for capital from venture capital funds to finance the development work. Using Chat GPT, a large part of the software will be available in zero time, development costs will decrease dramatically, as will the time needed to launch the app and the capital required to do so.

The way of doing business and of financing it will change. Software engineers will have to rethink their role, focusing on controlling and managing software produced in seconds by machines, rather than spending their time writing it. And companies will be able to do many, many more things than today with the same amount of time and financial resources. The work of investors will probably also change: if software becomes a commodity, any company in the world could be crammed with software and the value will probably lie elsewhere, for example in deep tech or hardware.

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A topic will probably arise about which many of us have even joked a little over the years, but not so much and less and less today: for example, hectares of land can never be digitized, and instantaneous and cheap software can help new agricultural entrepreneurs to extract greater value from them through new technologies that are more easily developed.

However, some may be wondering what does all this have to do with cryptocurrencies, which this blog should deal with. Well, as you have seen, we at Anubi Digital have already begun to understand it. The crypto industry, still very young, certainly needs to become stronger, with more performing and robust platforms and services. Which was easier said than done until yesterday: everything could change from today. And more generally, I think that the blockchain world – digital, decentralized and uncensorable – it will have everything to gain from the possibility of having quality software in real time, significantly accelerating its penetration in many areas outside of decentralized finance which, in turn, will have new life to strengthen and present themselves in a more mature way to the challenges and opportunities of the coming years.

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