Home » Integrated medicine, the treatments in L’Aquila of prof. Carlo Di Stanislaus

Integrated medicine, the treatments in L’Aquila of prof. Carlo Di Stanislaus

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Integrated medicine, the treatments in L’Aquila of prof.  Carlo Di Stanislaus

Professor Carlo Di Stanislao, a dermatologist from L’Aquila, esteemed and known in Italy and abroad, returns to practice in the city after a few years of absence, “To do what I’ve learned to do over the years. Dermatology, clinical sexology, allergy, immunology, acupuncture, homeopathy and phytotherapy. Different disciplines that have served and serve me to understand man in his psychophysical and even spiritual entirety”.

Carlo Di Stanislaus he is a dermatologist, allergist, immunologist and clinical sexologist, expert in acupuncture, phytotherapy, homeopathy. He worked at the San Salvatore dell’Aquila hospital for 45 years. Lecturer in acupuncture and Chinese medicine at theXian Universityvisiting Professor at theNanjing Universityhonorary member of the Gansu Medical College he was professor of dermatology, allergy, acupuncture and phytotherapy in various Italian universities including that of the capital of Abruzzo. A long-cherished and desired return to L’Aquila, materialized with a collaboration with Il Mind&Body Center dedicated to integrated therapies, opened by the doctor Dania DiFabio. “I come back here – explains Carlo Di Stanislao heard from Capitalin the city that taught me the value of culture and beauty. ‘Health is a dynamic state of complete physical, mental, social and spiritual well-being, not merely the absence of disease.’ The events of recent years have led us to a total, depressive distrust, causing both physical and emotional distress. Thoughts, negative or positive, come as messages to our brain. Scientific evidence shows that waiting for an improvement causes the body to release therapeutic substances, such as endorphins and adenosine (painkillers) or adrenaline (which allows you to better manage stress). A high placebo effect (and therefore therapeutic) also have caresses, music, the voice, positive human relationships”. And all of us in the MIND & BODY group, with different and integrated interventions, not only have the opportunity to cure the symptoms, but to nourish hope in our patients”. So what will Professor Di Stanislao do in L’Aquila? “Acupuncture, phytotherapy, homeopathy, dermatology and allergy. Non-conventional medicines, also called alternative medicines, are all those therapies that do not conform to western scientific medicine, which are opposed to official medicine. Today, however, the ‘unconventional’ terminology is used in a very extensive way, to indicate complementary, popular, anthroposophic, phytomedicine, etc. medicine, and all the disciplines for medical purposes that use tools not considered valid by official medicine. The expression alternative medicine it is not very popular among supporters or critics of alternative medicines: the former also call them sweet medicines (to highlight the different approach to diseases), while the latter prefer to talk about alternative practices”.

“Today it is normal to think that every time you take a drug you have to observe an effect, positive or negative. In reality, we should rather ask ourselves whether that effect would have been obtained even without the help of a treatment or if, even, this treatment has not delayed its disappearance. In general, those who practice these therapies are women (16%), men (11%), who tend to live more in Northern Italy, with a medium-high level of education and a medium-high economic condition”. Of all of them, the most widespread unconventional therapy is certainly homeopathy, “especially among young people with an average age of 27 years. Among adults around the age of 47, on the other hand, acupuncture is more widespread, while among those around the age of 42, phytotherapy”.

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Ok, but what does this have to do with medicine? “The integrated medical approach is the basis of the so-called INTEGRATED MEDICINE. It is based on two fundamental moments. The global evaluation of the person takes place by collecting information on his problems, his clinical background, his socio-family-work context and finally on his emotional-psychological structure. All these aspects characterize the initial analysis of the person and from this all his needs emerge, both in the treatment of any pathology presented but also, and above all, in his expectations regarding the diagnostic-therapeutic path he will undertake. The other aspect concerns the therapeutic proposal itself. Which takes into account all the considerations made on the previous information. Both from a diagnostic and therapeutic point of view. As far as dermatology and allergy are concerned, I will deal with the diagnosis and treatment of allergies to pollen, dust, mold, food, food additives, the diagnosis and treatment of skin manifestations, mole control, cosmetology, suggesting anti-aging remedies suitable for various skin types. Finally sexology. Sexuality is a central aspect of being human throughout life and includes sex, gender identities and roles, sexual orientation, eroticism, pleasure, intimacy and reproduction. Sexuality is experienced and expressed in thoughts, fantasies, desires, beliefs, attitudes, values, behaviors, practices, roles and relationships.

“The fact remains that I also have great respect for scientific progress in medicine and therefore I practice what is defined as integrated medicine”. The term integrated refers to the type of approach used in patient assessment and in the method of setting up a preventive/therapeutic path. “Quoting Aristotle we can define integration as ‘The WHOLE which is more than the sum of its individual parts’. In summary, integration has a much greater value than the very existence of the single realities that compose it”.

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