Home » You must buy these 5 kinds of potted plants for good luck and fortune during the Chinese New Year (pictures)

You must buy these 5 kinds of potted plants for good luck and fortune during the Chinese New Year (pictures)

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You must buy these 5 kinds of potted plants for good luck and fortune during the Chinese New Year (pictures)

Planting is also a good decoration for luck and fortune. (Image source: Adobe Stock)

new yearNow, the house will inevitably have to be cleaned up, and it will be dressed up like a Chinese New Year atmosphere.feel at homeluckNot exuberant enough, but also not doing any decorations? Do you want to ask for a prosperous and prosperous year to come, and more peace and success? In fact, as long as you use some small things in life, your fortune can be easily increased.Such asPlantingis also goodLuckyLucky decoration, so which plants should be placed? Here are some common Feng Shui plants for your reference:

There are 5 kinds of lucky and lucky plants that you must put in your home!

1. Bromeliad

Pineapples symbolize prosperity, and pineapple flowers with many small pineapples symbolize good luck. Therefore, pineapple flowers can be placed on the left and right sides of the door of the house, which can improve the fortune of the family and bring good luck.

2. Kumquat tree

Tangerines symbolize good luck, and kumquat trees tied with red ribbons can be placed in pairs on the balcony, especially during the Chinese New Year, which symbolizes wealth and luck in the new year.

3. Lucky Bamboo

It is the most common potted plant for good luck at home. Taking its auspicious meaning of good luck, when the front and back balconies are in the same direction, you can plant potted plants of pines, cypresses, pomegranates or four pots of lucky bamboos on the back balcony, which will help to promote the prosperity of future generations. Putting it in your home is not only beautiful but also good luck. However, there are two points to pay special attention to when placing lucky bamboos: the lucky bamboos need to be tied with red ribbons to turn yin into yang, so as to have the effect of good luck and avoid the danger of attracting yin. And Lucky Bamboo is not suitable to be placed in the financial position, because Lucky Bamboo is a wood, and gold can prevent wood owners from making money. If there are a lot of Lucky Bamboo in the home, it is easy to lose money. It is recommended to place it in the east for wood or for the number of water in the north, which are the attributes of mutual growth among the five elements.

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4. Golden kudzu

Golden kudzu, which is easy to grow and has beautiful green leaves, is often the first choice for home planting. When the toilet is facing the front of the house, you can place the golden kudzu potted plant on the top of the toilet and light it up with a projection lamp. In this way, soil restrains water and water grows wood, forming a relationship between the five elements of mutual generation and restraint, which can restrain the situation of leakage of money and improve the center of the toilet. house pattern.

5. Peach Blossom, Lily

It can be placed in the living room or room, which is helpful to improve the luck of the peach blossoms and enhance interpersonal relationships.

Lotus water tank: Feng Shui Shangshui represents “wealth”. When the house’s wealth and water are weak, and when you encounter a location with no end alley, you can place a lotus water tank to receive the wealth water. The vitality and symbol of the plant can gather wealth.

Responsible editor: Qinglian

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