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What is “Lucky Girl” syndrome

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What is “Lucky Girl” syndrome

Lhe Lucky Girl syndrome is all the rage on Tik Tok: let’s go see what it is and what it means, and above all does it work or is it just an illusion?

The Lucky Girl Syndrome it’s the new one tendencies of Tik Tok gone viral. A method that, according to the creators of the social network, would be infallible for conquering happiness and realizing one’s desires.

Are you looking for true love, but all your dates turn out to be failures? Would you like to find a new job, but don’t know how? Are you really hoping that guy will ask you out, but you don’t know how? The solution, according to some Tik Tok creators, would be right there lucky girl syndrome. The Lucky Girl Syndrome has been depopulating for weeks now on the social network, with many testimonials and a growing trend.


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What is lucky girl syndrome

Can wishes really be realized only by visualizing them? According to many people yes! The Lucky Girl Syndrome is just that. In fact, it starts from an assumption: if you convince yourself that things will go well for you in life, they will. Believing in it is essential and it is important to do it with great conviction. If you repeat yourself that you are lucky, that everything will work out for the best and that you will have what you dream of, it will happen. The principle on which this theory is based is that the Universe pays people back who have a positive mindset.

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The lucky girl syndrome therefore mixes the principles of the law of attraction and new age practices. It all starts from New Thought, spiritual movement born in the United States in the twentieth century according to which the positive or negative experiences we live during our existence are linked to as many positive or negative thoughts. The idea is that if we give off a positive energy we will be able to attract similar situations, while negative vibes could lead to unpleasant things.

Laura Galebe was among the first Tik Tok stars to talk about the Lucky Girl syndrome, since then hundreds of videos have appeared on social networks with testimonials from users who, thanks to this technique, had managed to fulfill their wishes.

How does lucky girl syndrome work?

Let’s start from an assumption: Lucky Girl Syndrome hasn’t invented anything new. In fact, we have always talked about the need to face situations positively. A mental state of this type in fact pushes us to have a different attitude in the face of problems, making us more confident and proactive.

Feeling confident and positive therefore is not a bad thing. On the contrary, it allows you to increase self-esteem and confidence, improves mood, gives satisfaction and helps keep anxiety and stress under control.

The steps to take

What are the steps to take to take advantage of the Lucky Girl Syndrome? The first thing to do is understand what you really want and what you need to focus on. In fact, remember that believing in it is essential for this method to work, and it will also be essential to always associate one with your affirmations super positive mood.

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Start by writing sentences on your agenda or on post-its e read them aloud. If you need it, sign up to hear the affirmations every day. As soon as you wake up and just before going to sleep, always repeat the same ritual, pronouncing the sentences with which you express what you want to happen.

It also associates with these exercises breathing, modulating your breathing to improve cognitive function and reduce anxiety. This will also allow you to improve the visualization of your goals which in this way will be more defined.

What are the limits of Lucky Girl Syndrome

However, an important concept must be clarified: the Lucky Girl syndrome can be useful for dealing with daily life, but it is not essential. What does it mean? Simply that not always a positive attitude can be the solution to everything, even if it can be useful to live with right mood some situations.

Toxic positivity, in general, should be avoided. In fact, positive affirmations should help you recognize and face reality, not completely distort it. For example, if he has already told you that he doesn’t have feelings for you, keep thinking that, as if by magic, he will fall in love with you, will only lead you to delude yourself and suffer. In fact, avoiding negative feelings is never a good thing and over time this could make you feel worse.

Therefore, according to the Lucky Girl syndrome, affirmations can only work if they are supported by a real possibility. So just focus on goals you could achievechoosing one at a time and focusing on your personal growth.

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A good practice can be to always surround yourself with positive people who are able to make you smile and give you hope even when things don’t go well. After all, what the lucky girl syndrome tells us is very simple: if you smile and face life with grit and tenacity, believing in yourself, in the end you will be able to conquer what you want. A self-esteem boost which, for those who believe in it or for those who are more skeptical, can always prove useful.

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