By now having become the pride of Italy in the world, the Maneskin show no sign of slowing down their rise. Rush is already a best seller.

The multifaceted Italian rock band i Moonlight they haven’t stopped since a 2021 Eurovision win snatched them from their boot-shaped niche and shot them to international fame. The frantic pace of seizing the day manifests itself on Rush!, a third album about adjusting to the lag of reality caused by, among other things, recording in Los Angeles. Songs like Supermodel and Gossip deal with interesting local customs, while Timezone is a heavy ballad about singer Damiano David calling someone “every hour” so he can tell them he’s “going crazy.” The pop super-producer Max Martin is somehow inevitably on hand to make sure the album shines even more than this edgy, rough-edged quartet does alone.

Unfortunately, Rush! it’s also a record that tries to tick all the boxes, with Måneskin’s English-language songs far outnumbering the Italian ones. And while David may be insightful and nuanced in a foreign language, Bla Bla Bla is a minimal new wave banger whose terseness is not to be confused with simplicity, he has a lot to get off his chest in his native tongue. The caustic, almost rapped The end confirms that success is a Pandora’s box, while the gravelly glam-grunge of The Gift of Life imagine returning “the gift of life”. Despite all this album is already among the best sellers of Amazon.

Everything can be said to the Måneskin, except that they didn’t make it. It is known that leaving Italy and becoming famous worldwide has never been easy and in the years of Sanremo Italy has never made a real contribution to international music, not even the latest winners Blanco e Mahmood. Singing in Italian is not liked, but the Måneskin have managed to convey grit in one of the darkest moments of humanity, lockdown and the covid pandemic. If you haven’t yet purchased their album Rush! you can get it on Amazon. If you prefer the CD version, the price is 18.36 euros without a discount, while the vinyl version is 27.45 euros without a discount (click here to buy them), you can also find the digital-only mp3 versions for 10.99 euros and on amazon music if you have a subscription. The album contains 17 tracks and promises to take Måneskin to an even higher level with English singing that will further expose them to an international audience who nonetheless continue to love them.

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