Home » Call for competitive tenders to cover fixed statutory staff positions in the IBSALUT SOCIAL WORK category

Call for competitive tenders to cover fixed statutory staff positions in the IBSALUT SOCIAL WORK category

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Call for competitive tenders to cover fixed statutory staff positions in the IBSALUT SOCIAL WORK category

2.1.- To be admitted to this selective process, applicants must meet the following requirements:

a.- Have Spanish nationality or that of any state of the European Union or that of any state to which the free movement of workers is applicable by virtue of the international treaties signed by the European Union and ratified by Spain. People who are spouses of Spaniards and citizens of other European Union states can also participate (regardless of their nationality) as long as they are not separated by law, in addition to their descendants who are under 21 years old or who have the status of dependents and are over this age.

b.- To be sixteen years of age and not to exceed the maximum compulsory retirement age.

d.- Have any of the following qualifications: Diploma or Degree in Social Work or be available to obtain it until the last day of submission of applications for participation in the selection process.

In the case of degrees obtained abroad, within the deadline for submitting applications, you must have the credential certifying that they are approved by the Ministry competent in the field or be in a position to obtain it. In any case, these qualifications must be previously recognized by the Ministry competent in the matter.

d.- Accredit the knowledge of the Catalan language required by the regulations in force regarding the linguistic policy of the Balearic Islands by means of a certificate issued by the Balearic School of Public Administration or by any of those issued or recognized as equivalent or approved by the General Directorate of Linguistic Policy.

e.- Have the necessary functional capacity to carry out the functions deriving from the corresponding appointment.

f.- Not having been separated from the service, by means of a disciplinary file, of any health service or public administration in the six years prior to the call, nor having been permanently disqualified from performing public functions or, if applicable, for the corresponding profession.

g.- In the case of people from other states mentioned in paragraph a.-, the applicant must not be disqualified by a sanction or penalty for professional practice or to access functions or public services in a state of the European Union, nor having been separated, by means of a disciplinary sanction, from any of its administrations or public services in the six years prior to the call.

h.- Having satisfied the fee for the examination rights, unless the applicant is in one of the cases of exemption provided for in these rules.

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i.- Not having the status of permanent statutory staff in the same category and specialty to which one opts, regardless of the administrative situation.

2.2.- Applicants applying for the internal promotion system must meet, in addition to the requirements mentioned in section 2.1., the following:

a.- Have the status of permanent statutory staff of the Balearic Islands Health Service. b.- Belonging to a category other than the one called for in the same classification group or a lower one.

c.- Be in the situation of active service or reserve place.

d.- Have a fixed appointment with a minimum seniority of two years in the category of origin.

2.3.- People competing for the reserve shift for people with a disability must have a recognized degree of disability equal to or greater than 33%.

2.4.- The conditions and requirements required to participate in this call must be met on the last day of the deadline for submitting applications and must be maintained throughout the entire selection process until the takeover of the allotted place Otherwise, all rights derived from the call will be lost.

2.5.- The verification of the requirements established in this base 2 will be carried out once the competition phase has been completed, within the deadline set in base 13 of this call. The consignation of false data in the application or in the documentation provided by the applicant will result in their exclusion from the competitive competition and/or the nullity of the awarded position, if applicable, without prejudice to the corresponding legal measures.


Model 046 .

Manual o telematic

Documentation to present

Applications for participation in this selective process must be submitted electronically, without prejudice to the provisions of Article 14 of Law 39/2015, of October 1, on the common administrative procedure of the administrations public

Access to the electronic link for the application for admission to this selective process and the instructions for the correct completion and presentation will be available on the web portal www.ibsalut.es and on the electronic headquarters of the Government of the Balearic Islands.

The completion and presentation of the application through the electronic procedure will be carried out following the instructions established in this call and published on the web portal www.ibsalut.es. As a prerequisite for registration, it is necessary to have a valid digital certificate of a natural person, from those included in the “Trusted List of Certification Service Providers” (TSL) established in Spain. Likewise, it can be done through the use of identification systems based on agreed keys, that is to say, through PIN Key and Permanent Key. In all cases, submission through these channels will allow: Online registration and authentication of the official model.

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– Attach documents to the application.

– Electronic payment of fees.

– The electronic registration of the request.

– Proof of submission to the selection process.

– Access and consultation of the selection process from the Citizen Folder.

Documents related to the procedure:

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2.2.- Les persones aspirants que concorrin pel sistema de promoció interna han de complir, a més dels requisits esmentats a l'apartat 2.1., els següents: a.- Tenir la condició de personal estatutari fix del Servei de Salut de les Illes Balears. b.- Pertànyer a una categoria diferent de la convocada del mateix grup de classificació o d'un d'inferior. c.- Estar en la situació de servei actiu o en reserva de plaça. d.- Tenir un nomenament fix amb una antiguitat mínima de dos anys en la categoria de procedència. 2.3.- Les persones que concorrin pel torn de reserva per a persones amb alguna discapacitat han de tenir reconegut un grau de discapacitat igual o superior al 33 %. 2.4.- Les condicions i els requisits exigits per participar en aquesta convocatòria s'han de complir el darrer dia del termini per presentar sol·licituds i s'han de mantenir al llarg de tot el procés selectiu fins a la presa de possessió de la plaça adjudicada. En cas contrari, es perdran tots els drets derivats de la convocatòria. 2.5.- La comprovació dels requisits establerts en aquesta base 2 es realitzarà una vegada superada la fase de concurs, en el termini fixat en la base 13 d'aquesta convocatòria. La consignació de dades falses en la sol·licitud o en la documentació aportada per la persona aspirant suposarà la seva exclusió del concurs oposició i/o la nul·litat de la plaça adjudicada, si escau, sense perjudici de les mesures legals que corresponguin.

Maximum term

From July 14, 2021 to August 13, 2021, both inclusive

Form of presentation

The presentation of this procedure can only be done electronically, and you must access it by “clicking” on the “Access to the electronic procedure” button that you will find at the bottom of this procedure. To be able to do this type of procedure, you must have a digital certificate, electronic ID or permanent cl@ve.

Competent body for processing

General Management (IbSalut)


Responsible Service or Section

Ibsalut Competitions and Competitions Service

C/ Gremi de Sabaters, 21, Polígon de Son Castelló.
Tel.: 971704422

([email protected])

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