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Easy yoga poses to get you started

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Easy yoga poses to get you started

There are some easy yoga poses to start yourself that are perfect for approaching this ancient Indian discipline it has now become very popular all over the world as an exercise for psychophysical well-being. But before you start, you need to know that there are different schools and styles of yoga, each of which focuses on specific aspects of physical, mental and spiritual practice. However, what unites them all is the presence of asana (physical positions), pranayama (breath control) and meditation aimed at improving physical and mental health and achieving a state of spiritual well-being.

The top 7 easy yoga poses to get you started

In general they are The benefits of yoga are many, from the improvement of physical aspects such as posture, muscle tone, joint mobility to others related to health such as breathing, blood circulation, digestion or the immune system. All without forgetting the spiritual aspects or in some way related to well-being and psychological balance. So if you want to get closer to this discipline you can start with these 7 easy yoga positions to start yourself

1. Urdhva Hapsana

In this position, you start standing with your feet together, arms at your sides. Then raise the arms above the head, keeping the elbows close to the body and the palms of the hands together. The head turns up, aligning the spine with the arms. This pose helps strengthen muscles in the arms, shoulders, and chest, improves posture and balance, and may even help improve breathing.

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2. Ardha Uttanasana

In this position, you start standing with your feet together. Then he bends forward, with the hands resting on the knees, calves or heels, depending on the person’s flexibility. The head hangs downwards, with the spine lengthening. This pose helps stretch the muscles in your back, legs and hips, improves spinal flexibility, and may also help improve digestion.

Ardha Uttanasana

3. Urdhva Mukha Svanasana

In this position, you start in a plank position, with your arms extended and your wrists under your shoulders, your feet together and your toes pressing into the mat. Then lift the hips towards the ceiling, keeping the arms and legs straight, and look up. This pose helps strengthen the muscles in your back, arms, and legs, improves spinal flexibility, and can also help improve your posture.

Urdhva Mukha Svanasana

4. Prasarita Padottanasana

In this position, you start standing with your feet wide apart and your legs bent forward, your hands placed on your hips or calves. Then he leans forward, with his hands resting on the ground near his feet, and his head hanging downwards. This pose helps stretch the muscles in your back, legs and hips, improves spinal flexibility, and may also help improve digestion.

Prasarita Padottanasana

5. Virabhadrasana

There are three varieties of this pose, called Virabhadrasana I, II and III.

Virabhadrasana I (or Warrior I): Start standing with feet apart, one foot pointing forward and the other pointing back. He bends his front leg to form a 90 degree angle, and you raise your arms above your head, keeping your elbows close to your body and hands together. His head looks forward and his back remains straight.

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Virabhadrasana I

Virabhadrasana II (or Warrior II): Start standing with feet apart, one foot pointing forward and the other pointing back. He bends his front leg to form a 90 degree angle, and extends arms in line with shoulders, keeping elbows close to body and hands together. His head looks forward and his back remains straight.

Virabhadrasana II

Virabhadrasana III (or Warrior III): Start standing with feet together, then lift one leg behind you, extending in line with spine, keeping arms straight out in front of you. His head looks forward and his back remains straight.

These poses help strengthen muscles in the legs, arms, back and chest, improve balance and agility, and can also help improve concentration and mental strength.

6. Paschimottanasana

In this position, you sit with your legs extended in front of you and your feet together. Then she leans forward, trying to touch her toes with her hands, keeping her back straight. The head is left hanging downwards and one tries to lengthen the spine. This pose helps stretch the muscles in your back, legs and hips, improves spinal flexibility, and can also help improve digestion and concentration.


7. Purvottanasana

In this position, you start sitting with your legs extended in front and your feet together. Then lift your buttocks off the mat and lean on your palms, stretching your arms. Your toes touch the mat and your legs bend back, trying to stretch your back and arms. This pose helps strengthen muscles in the back, arms and legs, improves spinal flexibility, and can also help improve digestion and concentration.

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