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Diseases that worsen with cold

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Diseases that worsen with cold

When we talk about the links between low temperatures and the health of the body, our thoughts immediately turn to the classic seasonal ailments, from the flu to colds, from sore throats to coughs. In reality, winter is not only insidious for the respiratory system: in this season, in fact, we can witness the worsening, and in some cases even the appearance, of various diseases affecting various systems and systems. Let’s see the main ones.

Diseases that worsen with cold: atopic dermatitis

One of the organs that is most affected by the lowering of temperatures is the skin. This is why in winter you can face an exacerbation of various problems, starting from Atopic dermatitis and from psoriasis. “The first is a very frequent condition in children, which however does not spare adults either”, he explains Franco Rongiolettidirector and head of the clinical dermatology unit of the IRCCS San Raffaele Hospital in Milan.

«It depends on a deficit of lubricating substances, especially ceramides, which have the task of forming a protective barrier on the epidermis. The result is that the skin becomes dry, parched and dehydrated especially in some areas; in medical terms we speak of xerosis and those who suffer from it feel itchy, usually intense, and the need to scratch. In the acute phase, small vesicles can also form which, breaking easily following scratching, give rise to small erosions and then to crusts that can become infected.


The psoriasisHowever, it can occur at any age. In its most common form it is characterized by the formation of skin lesions of red color and of different sizes, covered with silvery scales which they often give itchingassociated with one underlying skin dryness. At the origin of atopic dermatitis and psoriasis in general there is a mix of different factors, genetic, immunological, allergic, behavioral and environmental: among these there are also some that are typically winter. “First of all exposure to cold,” continues the dermatologist.

«Cold outside temperatures make skin dryness even worse, as well as excessive heating and low humidity in rooms. Even the habit of wearing woolen and synthetic clothing in direct contact with the skin has a negative effect, since these garments increase perspiration, which has an irritating action, exacerbating the situation and the itching». Finally, in winter there are two further aggravating elements: the decreased exposure to the sun, which tends to improve the manifestations of these diseases, and the tendency to use hotter than usual water for washing, which damages the protective hydrolipidic film, accentuating xerosis .


Another skin disease that tends to get worse in this period isacne, an inflammation of the pilosebaceous follicles, the structures that contain hair. It is recognized by the appearance, especially on the face, of comedones or blackheads, pimples and, in the most serious cases, cyst or nodule. At the origin there is an overstimulation of the sebaceous glands, which are found at the base of the hair follicles and have the task of producing sebum, an oily secretion that lubricates the hair and skin. Acne mainly affects children and young adults due to the hormonal storm that occurs in adolescence and which triggers the inflammatory process.

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What happens during the cold season? «Low temperatures stimulate the production of sebum, accentuating the problem», says Rongioletti. «Furthermore, in winter you can’t count on tanning, which tends to camouflage pimples and improve the appearance of the skin, and on the “drying” effect that the sun’s rays exert in conjunction with short exposures. In reality, the sun increases the thickening of the superficial layer of the skin, increasing the appearance of comedones and blackheads with a consequent worsening of acne which occurs precisely in autumn/winter».

Diseases that worsen with cold: hives

Alongside the skin problems that worsen in winter there are those that appear for the first time in this period as they are triggered by the cold. “It belongs to this second group la crioglobulinemiaa rare immunological pathology that is characterized by the presence in the blood of cryoglobulins, proteins that precipitate with low temperatures going to temporarily close and inflame the blood vessels», says the specialist.

«If in some cases no particular symptoms appear, in others there may be weakness, joint or muscle pain, lesions similar to hematomas (purpura), necrotic skin areas, which appear purplish, bluish or blackish in color and devoid of sensitivity. In more complex situations, serious damage can occur to various organs, such as the kidneys. There is, then, cold urticaria, a skin reaction that occurs after exposure to cold temperatures, wind chill, cold and snow. It causes the formation of wheals, i.e. itchy swellings, especially in exposed areas, which last from a few minutes to several hours.

How to protect your skin from the cold

«The first tip is to remember to adequately moisturize the skin with emollient and moisturizing creams» continues Rongioletti. «Excellent, for example, those containing urea e lactic acid: should be applied all over the body, even several times a day in the most vulnerable areas, and always after a shower and a bath”. We must then avoid using aggressive detergents, which make a lot of foam, and prefer neutral and delicate soaps on the skin, even better if recommended by a dermatologist. In case of acne, cleanse the face morning and evening with specific products, such as a detergent with benzoylperosside for its antibacterial properties, and follow the treatments recommended by the specialist.

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If the tap water is very calcareous, where possible it is advisable to apply a softener to make it less aggressive towards the skin. No to wool and synthetic clothing: especially for those in direct contact with the skin, materials such as cotton must be preferred. In home, do not overdo the heating: the ideal is to have a temperature around 20 degrees. If necessary, it is advisable to use a humidifier that reduces environmental dryness, bearing in mind that the humidity rate should be equal to 50-60%. Urticaria generally resolves spontaneously within a few hours: in more complex cases, the doctor could prescribe antihistamines. The use of greasy creams on exposed areas can help prevent or reduce the phenomenon.

Diseases that worsen with the cold: osteoarthritis and musculoskeletal pain

The cold tends to make thearthrosis, a physiological phenomenon that affects many people over the age of 50. It is, in fact, the wear and tear and progressive aging of the structures that make up the joints. When osteoarthritis occurs, it mainly does so with pain, which generally worsens during the winter. “The reasons are different,” he explains Corrado Campochiaroimmunorheumatologist of the IRCCS San Raffaele Hospital in Milan.

«First of all, we need to consider that the cold is already one in itself aggravating stimulus that worsens the painful sensation. By the way, when it’s cold instinctively we contract, increasing the tension on muscles, tendons and bones. Furthermore, with low temperatures the synovial fluid of the joints, which has a lubricating function and facilitates movement, tends to become less fluid. We must not forget that in this season we tend to have a sedentary lifestyle, when instead the joints should be kept in motion as much as possible to function well ».

Finally, it must be considered that in the cold season muscles are subject to increased stiffness and a smaller excursion and amplitude of movement and in addition the reduced exposure to the sun decreases the production of vitamin D, a substance that is friendly to bones. These reasons explain why in winter it is more common to be subject to inflammation and musculoskeletal pain in general: the whole system is put to the test.

Prevent and mitigate aches and pains

To prevent and relieve pain, it is first of all important to keep moving. Only during the acute phases, when one feels very bad, is it useful to stay still: outside of these moments, try to have a more active lifestyle and to practice regular and constant physical activity to improve the functionality and condition of muscles, tendons, ligaments and bones. The ideal is to focus on off-load sports, which train the joints without stressing them, such as I swim, bicycle, yoga, pilates, ground gymnasticsalways remembering to stretch before starting.

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It is also essential to learn how to use the joint affected by arthrosis correctly, learning from a specialist, such as a physiotherapist, physiatrist or immunorheumatologist, which movements and efforts to avoid in order not to worsen the situation. «They are often very useful i physiotherapy treatmentswhich cycles of rehabilitation exercises, postural gymnastics, where d’urto, laser therapy, iontophoresis, magnetotherapy, tecartherapy, osteopathic treatments» concludes the expert. “Furthermore, one can resort to local infiltration of corticosteroidswhich have anti-inflammatory effect, or of hyaluronic acid and other substances that strengthen the articular cartilage».

Cover up well to protect the capillaries

Typical of the winter season is also the Raynaud’s phenomenon, a disorder related to an excessive response to certain stimuli, including frost and sudden changes in temperature. “The cold causes a spasm, i.e. an excessive constriction, of the capillaries which, consequently, do not carry a sufficient quantity of blood towards the periphery”, explains Corrado Campochiaro, immunorheumatologist of the IRCCS San Raffaele Hospital in Milan.

“The result is that hands and feet get cold and temporarily lose color, turning white. Then, when circulation is restored, they turn bluish and finally pink again.” There may also be pain and swelling in the affected areas. It is important to cover up adequately when going outside: to protect the extremities, wear heated gloves and technical undergloves and suitable footwear that insulates the foot well.

Why are flu syndromes increasing?

Because in winter there is an increase of flu syndromes, pharyngitis, rhinitis e plague? «First of all because of the cold, the sudden changes in temperature and the dryness of the environment interfere with the efficiency of mucociliary clearanceone of the body’s protection mechanisms: the mucus, with its viscosity, traps harmful agents and particles and is pushed upwards by the movement of the cellular cilia that cover the respiratory tract, where it is ingested or expelled with a blow of cough,” he replies Robert Teggiotorhinolaryngologist specialist in otoneurology at the IRCCS San Raffaele Hospital in Milan.

“If this system doesn’t work properly, it can contribute to the emergence of infections or respiratory diseases.” Secondly because in winter we spend more time in warm and crowded environments, in contact with other people: this facilitates the contagion. Finally, we must not forget that in the cold season a less healthy diet is followed and there is less exposure to the sun, so there could be a lack of vitamins and other substances useful for the defense system.

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