Home » The new flag of the Cloud is worth almost 400 million euros a month

The new flag of the Cloud is worth almost 400 million euros a month

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The new flag of the Cloud is worth almost 400 million euros a month

How much does the cloud make in Italy

The cloud has completed 25 years and records a worldwide turnover of 480 billion euros in constant growth. Indeed, according to the estimates of the latest report by Grand View Research, the forecast for 2030 will be over 1,500 billion (+15.7% annual growth).

According to Eurostat, over 50% of Italian companies declare that they use cloud services for a market thatOsservatorio Cloud Transformation of the School of Management of the Politecnico di Milano has quantified in 2022 equal to 4.5 billion euros (+15% compared to 2021). The data on the adoption of the cloud by Italian companies is higher than the European average (42%) and places Italy in fifth place in Europe, ahead of Germany (40%) and France (30%), in a ranking headed from Sweden (75%) and closed by Bulgaria (13%).

The Eurostat report specifies that 79% of companies use the cloud for e-mail (Italy is first in this ranking with 96%), 68% for storage and 58% for security applications. Positive but lower numbers for software applications for more advanced purposes, such as finance and accounting (48%), Crm (27%) and enterprise resource planning (24%).

What is Cloud?

But what is the cloud? It’s basically a term used to describe a global network of servers, each with a unique function. The cloud is not a physical entity, but a vast network of remote servers, physical locations called server farms, located all over the world, which are connected to each other via high-capacity telecommunications networks and operate as a single ecosystem. They can store and manage data, run applications, or distribute content or services, such as streaming video, web email, business productivity software, or social media. And so instead of accessing files and data from a local computer you access online via password from any device that has an Internet connection.

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Companies use four different methods to deploy cloud resources. Public, i.e. cloud that shares resources and offers services to the public over the Internet, private, i.e. non-shared and offers services via a private internal network, and hybrid, which shares services between public and private clouds depending on the purpose. There may also be a community cloud that shares resources only between organizations, for example with public bodies.

Even the majority of SMEs in Italy now use it

The sector is dominated by four players that hold about 60% of the global market share. The leader Amazon Web Services (AWS) followed by Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud Platform (GCP) and in China Alibaba Cloud. Followed by other companies more specialized in single applications. In Italy, for example, in 2022 Platform as a Service (PaaS) services are the ones that recorded the greatest growth (+33% on 2021). Those Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS) show a +27%, while those Software as a Service (SaaS) are up by +14%.

In big business Cloud adoption represents the delivery mode of 44% of all software applications but even SMEs are convinced. So much so that in 2022 52% of small and medium-sized Italian businesses have adopted at least one cloud service with a 24% growth in the value of the applications adopted.

As for the prices, the cloud for companies is calibrated on the number of services adopted. Individuals can also access the cloud. In addition to the free space guaranteed by the major platforms Google Drive allows you to use 15Gb for free, there are paid ones. With Google 100 Gb cost 1.99 euros per month while Microsoft with 69 euros per year provides 1 Terabyte. Then there are the PCloud services. In this case, the subscription can also be for life: 500 Gb cost 199 euros, 2 Tera 399 and 10 Tera 1190 euros.

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