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General Secretary’s Feelings for the People丨He is a caring person for the people_Guangming.com

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General Secretary Xi Jinping said that the majority of party members and cadres “must be caring people for the masses.” Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, General Secretary Xi Jinping has always kept the safety and well-being of the masses in mind, braved the severe cold and snowstorm to come to the needy masses, and cared to solve the “urgent, difficult and anxious” problems of the people, so that more and more development results can be achieved. Fairness benefits all people.

During the Spring Festival this year, the “New Year’s Eve” series of cultural activities in Feng Nanyuan Village, Huozhou, Shanxi attracted more than 100,000 foreign tourists. As the days go by, there is hope.

Shi Hongbing, a villager in Fengnanyuan Village, Huozhou City, Shanxi Province: The changes in our village can be said to be earth-shaking. The road has become wider, the environment has become more beautiful, and it has become a tourist check-in place. Taking advantage of the good policy of rural revitalization, I will manage my small shop well this year, and live a happy life like the general secretary hopes.

Two years ago, Shi Hongbing’s house collapsed due to the autumn floods. The government urgently launched a temporary relief policy to help him repair and rebuild the house and tide over the difficulties. In January 2022, during his inspection in Shanxi, General Secretary Xi Jinping specially came to Shi Hongbing’s home. The general secretary’s deep concern about the safety of the house and the small firewood, rice, oil and salt made Shi Hongbing unforgettable for a lifetime.

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Teacher Hongbing, a villager in Feng Nanyuan Village, Huozhou City, Shanxi Province: The general secretary braved the severe cold, rain and snow to come to our Feng Nanyuan and to my home. I haven’t looked at that calendar for more than a year, and let it stay on January 26, 2022. The general secretary is very approachable, and everything he says is from the heart of the common people. Before leaving, the general secretary asked me: “If you have any difficulties, you can bring them up, and governments at all levels will help you solve them.” I said that under the leadership of the party and under your leadership, I have lived a very happy life. In the coming year, I will continue to work hard to live a more prosperous life.

Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, from the old revolutionary base areas to ethnic minority areas, from villages to urban communities, every time General Secretary Xi Jinping went to the localities for investigation and research, he couldn’t let go of the people in need. Caring warms the hearts of every needy people. Every year in his New Year’s greetings, General Secretary Xi Jinping cares about and misses the needy people.

Chen Yufang, a resident of Donghuayuan Community, Fushun City, Liaoning Province: The general secretary mentioned me, and I was really excited. I just said thank the general secretary for his concern for the people of the world, he is our caring person.

Chen Yufang is a resident of the relocation community in the coal mining subsidence area of ​​Fushun City, Liaoning Province. In September 2018, General Secretary Xi Jinping visited Liaoning. At Chen Yufang’s home, Xi Jinping sat around with the residents and chatted about their daily routines, asking about housing improvements, pensions, social security benefits, and whether it was convenient to see a doctor. More than four years have passed, and Chen Yufang really wants to tell the general secretary the good news from her hometown.

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Chen Yufang, a resident of Donghuayuan Community, Fushun City, Liaoning Province: Hello, General Secretary, our community has also undergone new changes. It is very convenient for us elderly to travel, provide for the elderly, and seek medical treatment. Our life is very happy. Thank you, General Secretary, for our coal mining The concerns of relocated residents in the subsidence area.

It is a heavy concern of General Secretary Xi Jinping not to let special groups become neglected groups, and to let all the elderly live happily in their old age. Communicate cordially with the elderly and tell the staff to give them more care.

Li Jinfeng, a resident of Wenting Lane Community, Chengxi District, Xining City, Qinghai: The general secretary is kind and amiable. After he came in, he asked everyone about the health and well-being. He cared about the life, health, and happiness of our elderly. These aspects have been mentioned.

No one special group should be left behind. There are currently more than 85 million people with various types of disabilities in my country. General Secretary Xi Jinping has repeatedly pointed out that people with disabilities are a group with special difficulties and need special care and attention. In January 2014, General Secretary Xi Jinping braved the severe cold to visit the children at the Hohhot Children’s Welfare Institute in Inner Mongolia.

Wu Wenjun, former director of the Hohhot Children’s Welfare Institute: The general secretary is very concerned about each child, and asks about their situation from time to time. He is so approachable.

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General Secretary Xi Jinping brought a New Year gift to each child. When he saw Xiao Yani, the General Secretary also kindly learned sign language from her and encouraged her to study hard and succeed in her studies.

Wang Yani (sign language), a teacher at a special education school in Hohhot: Grandpa Xi, I miss you very much. With your encouragement, I finished my studies and became a teacher. I will never forget your teachings and work hard.

It is General Secretary Xi Jinping’s solemn promise to the people to do a good job in helping the people in need and helping the poor to achieve “help for the weak”. I will remember what the people worry about; I will act on what the people hope for. Since the 18th National Congress of the Communist Party of China, the basic life of the poor people in our country has been guaranteed systematically. A heart-warming policy, like the warm sun in winter, lights up the expectations of the people in need for a better life, and supports them with “stable happiness”.

(Headquarters CCTV reporter Hou Jun Liang Zhengzheng Pan Hongxu Li Yumei Shanxi Station)

责编:李伯玺 ]

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