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Five foods that prevent visual “evils”

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Five foods that prevent visual “evils”

Visual health is a topic that in recent years has gained importance and relevance in daily life to such an extent that there is talk of a “healing” power of food. In this sense, from the National Ophthalmological Foundation (Fundonal) analyzes and recommends a list of these consumptions that really contribute to the care and prevention of the eyes.

Dr. María Cristina Cortés, ophthalmologist and Medical Director, member of Fundonal’s professional body, addresses this topic from her knowledge and experienceso that it shares the characteristics and properties contained in the supplements and foods that work in terms of preventing eye deterioration.

Unfortunately, there are many commercial supplements and they belong to a million-dollar industry and little regulated in terms of quality, which falsely promise to be curative or preventive for different diseases, including cataracts, dry eye, macular degeneration, glaucoma, among other conditions, but in the Actually, most do not comply with the indicated doses, lacking a therapeutic effect and representing, on the contrary, few results in relation to the cost.

More than powerful foods, it seeks to change the look to diets rich in macro and micronutrients, that is to say, to the nutritional regime that contains the mixture of several of these, such as the Mediterranean diet, this type of combination provides vitamins, trace elements, polyphenols such as flavonoids, catechins, omega-3 fatty acids among others, which definitely do favor a healthier life condition by preventing metabolic diseases, acquired in adulthood such as type II diabetes, coronary, macular degeneration among others, which favor the individual It is consumed by the great power of the innate bioregulation of tissues and systems against the processes of oxidation, aging, inflammation and infections.

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Therefore, here are five recognized foods within this nutritional regime or diet rich in vegetables, fruits, nuts, fish, olive oil, whole grains and why they can be beneficial to your health.

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  • Carrots: Although it contains large amounts of vitamin A and beta-carotene, the latter is a precursor to the vitamin which, like other carotenoids such as alpha carotene, is converted in the body in the small intestine to retinol. It is not recommended to eat it in excess or as a supplement when you have a normal diet, since excess retinol can be toxic. Vitamin A is essential to regulate the amount of light received by our eyes, at the level of the retina, retinol participates in the formation of rhodopsin, which is a retinal pigment essential in the perception of light. There are other forms of carotenoids that are more effective and less toxic, such as lutein and zeaxanthin, which, in addition to participating in the formation of pigment in the retinal photoreceptors, have an antioxidant effect and protect cells from free radical damage. These carotenoids are found in dark green and yellow-orange colored fruits and vegetables.
  • Egg: This food that is present in the daily diet of people, the yolk is an important source of vitamin A, thiamine and iron. In addition, the egg contains lutein, a pigment that is part of the central area of ​​the retina called the macula and protects from the sun’s rays.
  • Citrus: (lemon, tangerine, orange, grapefruit, grapefruit, among others) are rich in vitamin C, they help in the manufacture of collagen present in the vitreous humor, which is the gelatinous mass present between the lens and the retina. In addition, these foods contribute to the absorption of vitamin A that reduces the risk that prevents eye diseases, such as cataracts, which is one of the first causes of blindness.
  • Nuts: source of selenium and zinc, important antioxidant minerals that protect the cells of the eye. Nuts help reduce the risk of cataracts and prevent problems related to the macula, an area in the center of the retina responsible for distinguishing details.
  • Blueberries: Due to its antioxidant properties, it can prevent eye problems related to macular degeneration, cataracts, nearsightedness and farsightedness, dryness, and infections. In short, they contain anthocyanin that can help improve night vision and reduce eyestrain.
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