Home » Fan exclusion should inspire: Eintracht Frankfurt is planning a party without guests in Naples

Fan exclusion should inspire: Eintracht Frankfurt is planning a party without guests in Naples

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Fan exclusion should inspire: Eintracht Frankfurt is planning a party without guests in Naples

Status: 03/15/2023 08:05 a.m

Despite a poor starting position, personal worries and an empty guest curve, Eintracht Frankfurt cannot be defeated. Optimism is trumps ahead of the round of 16 second leg in Naples. Only the question of the right celebration location remains open.

The city of Naples greeted their guests from Frankfurt on Tuesday in anything but a friendly manner. In the southern Italian coastal town, which nestles like a crescent moon on the sea, it poured like cats and dogs just in time for the official press conference. Large puddles formed on the tartan track of the venerable Stadio Diego Armando Maradona, and despite the short distance from the bus to the inside of the stadium, the press room was almost exclusively filled with people who had expected sun and then had a cold shower. Two of them: Oliver Glasner and Sebastian Rode.

However, the two main players from Eintracht Frankfurt, who had to cope with a lot of cold water showers in addition to the meteorological ones, were not in a bad mood. “The mood is very positive,” said coach Glasner, who despite the 0-2 first leg defeat still firmly believes in reaching the quarter-finals of the Champions League. Captain Rode added: “We have made it our goal to win here and to progress.” Well, if that’s nothing else.

2. Round of 16: The game kicks off on March 15, 2023 at 9:00 p.m. Eintracht Frankfurt plays in Naples. Reporters: Tim Brockmeier and Philipp Hofmeister.

Unity before great challenge

Seen from the outside, however, this great and at the same time honorable goal has exactly three catches: Eintracht was clearly inferior in the first leg and now has to catch up from a two-goal deficit. Eintracht will be without the suspended goalscorer Randal Kolo Muani and the injured Jesper Lindström on Wednesday evening (9 p.m.). Eintracht cannot rely on the support of numerous fans who have traveled with them, as is usually the case. The guest curve will definitely remain empty after the exclusion and ban hhack.

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What sounds like three setbacks and three problems – and that’s probably exactly what it is in reality – quickly became three setbacks and three solutions, as coach Glasner put it. “We had enough time to analyze the first leg and think about it,” he said. “We’ve made up our minds and we’re here to make up for that first-leg result.” This is how credibly conveyed optimism sounds. But what is behind it?

No mistakes in the back, be ice cold in the front

First of all, it was clear, Glasner emphasized this several times, that Eintracht had to prevent simple mistakes as completely as possible. The passing stations were almost always there in the first leg, but due to too many inaccuracies, the balls ended up too often with the guests from southern Italy. And as soon as they have space, it becomes difficult or hopeless. “They have a lot of speed and a lot of quality in the transition situations,” said Glasner. A logical realization with a logical conclusion: Eintracht must not make it too easy for Naples again.

Since only a stable defense will not be enough to advance, Glasner also has to come up with something on the offensive. It is clear that in the absence of Kolo Muani and Lindström, the Hessians will lack the two fastest players and thus a lot of depth in the game. The force that characterized Eintracht and made it strong, especially in the fall, will not be able to unfold in Naples.

The means of choice is therefore probably team unity and, above all, determination. Rafael Borré, Daichi Kamada and Mario Götze have to find playful solutions, the rest then move up. “We can only do it as a team with a lot of confidence and a lot of power,” said Glasner. One wants to add: A bit of luck is probably also needed.

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What to do with the goal celebration?

And then of course there was the lack of support from the fans. It’s almost a philosophical question whether the famous twelfth man in the stands can actually have an impact on the game and the gameplay. Who the games of Eintracht last season in Barcelona, against West Ham or against Lisbon in the 2018/19 season, can only come to one conclusion: This furious journey through Europe was ultimately also the result of the special symbiosis between the team and the curve. The fact that Eintracht is on its own in Naples is a disadvantage.

Glasner also sees this differently. “We focus on what we can influence,” he clarified. “We know the fans will not be there physically, but we still feel their support and their physical energy.” An interesting approach.

Captain Rode, who agreed with his boss at this point and didn’t contradict it, added: “It would have been nice to have the fans here, because we’ve celebrated a lot of parties together abroad.” His only limitation: “After a goal we just have to find a separate place to celebrate.” If that really is the only problem in the end, Eintracht will certainly find a solution for that too.

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