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Study data prove: Cold plasma therapy is faster and cheaper than …

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Study data prove: Cold plasma therapy is faster and cheaper than …

Instinctif Deutschland GmbH


  • With jet cold plasma therapy, 59 percent of chronic wounds were completely closed within six weeks compared to around five percent with standard care [1]
  • The costs can be reduced by 52 percent compared to standard care [2]
  • Waste prevention possible by reducing dressing material by up to 65 percent [2]

New hope for an estimated two million people in Germany with a chronic or infected wound. A specialist article now shows: Compared to only around five percent with standard care, 59 percent of chronic wounds healed completely within six weeks with cold plasma therapy using the plasma jet kINPen® MED.[1] The technology can also lower treatment costs and reduce waste.[2]

Due to wound hygiene, wound dressings and changing bandages, the conventional treatment of chronic and infected wounds, for example on a diabetic foot or as a consequence of a venous disease, is often lengthy, time-consuming and expensive. The Greifswald-based medical technology company neoplas med GmbH has set out to change that.

His therapy relies on cold physical plasma – ionized gas, which is created by electrical energy and the supply of argon gas. It is applied precisely to the affected wound using a jet stream and ensures that cells are stimulated to grow again and to close the wound. It also kills germs and pathogens that are in the wounds. The treatment is carried out under visual control without contact and is largely painless. As a result, up to 59 percent of chronic and infected wounds heal within six weeks.

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Lower treatment costs and less waste

A technical article that is now in the journal Health Economics & Quality Management published by Thieme Verlag, suggests that cold plasma treatment with the plasma jet kINPen® MED from neoplas med GmbH can reduce treatment costs by up to 52 percent compared to standard wound care.[2] In addition, the therapy can significantly reduce the consumption of dressing material by up to 65 percent and thus contribute to a more sustainable healthcare system.[2] The main reason: Shorter treatment times as a result of complete healing and the resulting elimination of dressing changes.

Jet cold plasma therapy on the way to standard care

With the treatment guideline for the therapeutic use of cold plasma, which was developed by the German Society for Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery (DGMKG), jet plasma therapy meets all the requirements of standard care. However, this new form of treatment is not yet part of the statutory health insurance reimbursable wound care. To change this, neoplas med GmbH has submitted an application to the Federal Joint Committee (G-BA) for reimbursement of cold plasma therapy for wound care. He sees potential in the innovation and has decided to carry out a study to further test the therapy. So it may be a while before the therapy is integrated into standard care. Until then, only a few health insurance companies will reimburse the treatments, but the therapy is also affordable for patients and doctors as a private service – and contributes to improving the quality of life of people who suffer from poorly healing and chronic wounds.

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To the background:

Cold physical plasma is an ionized gas created by electrical energy. The plasma jet kINPen® MED uses the noble gas argon for this purpose. It is applied precisely to the affected wound using a jet stream and ensures that cells are stimulated to grow again and the wound is closed, and that germs and pathogens are killed.

About neoplas med GmbH

neoplas med GmbH was founded in 2009 as a spin-off from the Leibniz Institute for Plasma Research and Technology e. V. (INP) in Greifswald. Ulrike Sailer has been the managing director since the end of 2019. The company develops innovative products for medical applications based on the plasma medical research of the INP. The first milestone is the CE-certified plasma jet kINPen® MED, which was the world‘s first plasma jet to be approved for the treatment of chronic wounds and pathogen-related skin diseases. The precision technology was developed together with the INP as an incubator and in cooperation with the plasma medicine cluster. It is the world‘s most researched and documented plasma treatment device for infected and chronic wounds. This is confirmed, among other things, by two clinical RCT studies published in the JAMA Network Open and Nature Scientific Report, which have also been included in the S2K guideline recently published by the AWMF. The application for testing cold plasma therapy initiated by neoplas med is currently before the Federal Joint Committee, which has already confirmed the potential of the method as a necessary treatment alternative. According to the decision of the G-BA of February 16, 2023, the pilot study will be carried out, subject to the examination by the BMG and publication in the Federal Gazette. For more information, see www.neoplas-med.eu

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[1] Strohal R, Dietrich S, Mittlböck M, Hämmerle G. Chronic wounds treated with cold atmospheric plasmajet versus best practice wound dressings: a multicenter, randomized, non-inferiority trial. Sci Rep 2022; 12(1): 3645

[2] Witte J et al. Health economic aspects of cold plasma therapy. Health Economics & Quality Management 2022; 27:1-9

Press contact:

Dr. Hubert Becker / Christoph Baller, Instinctive Partners
[email protected] / [email protected]
+49 160 5801877 / +49 174 3744 343

Original content from: Instinctif Deutschland GmbH, transmitted by news aktuell

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