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there is only one procedure to follow, be careful you risk losing the cheque

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there is only one procedure to follow, be careful you risk losing the cheque

The sending of the invalidity application no longer requires the use of the PEC. The documents must be attached only via the online procedure.

An exclusive method of forwarding the application for recognition of invalidity with the documentation attached electronically.


With a view to digitizing and simplifying communications between citizens and the National Social Security Institute, the institution has introduced the Health documentation presentation service for the recognition of civil and social security disability. The decision was made during the pandemic emergency from Covid 19 which made gatherings impossible. Therefore, there is no more need to go personally to an INPS office to carry out the visit (message number 3315 of 1 October 2021).

The goal was to be able to define health records of request for disability exclusively with the evaluation of the documents ā€“ health documents ā€“ attached in form telematics on the Institute portal. From 2021 to today, the service has become available to all citizens, certifying doctors, Patronati in order to simplify and digitize the submission of a new application for civil disability or aggravation of health conditions.

Two main purposes

  • minimize the health verification process,
  • facilitate the assessment of disability for seriously ill patients who would find it difficult to go to the visit.

Simplification of the disability application: submit the documents online

The interested party for the recognition of invalidity must attach the documentation certifying the pathology and impairment telematically through the INPS platform (which can only be accessed with digital credentials, i.e. SPID, Electronic Identity Card or National Services Card).

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The commission appointed by the Social Security institution will evaluate the documents received “remotely” and will summon the citizen direct visit only if it should not consider the documentation sufficient for an objective evaluation.

The telematic procedure to be followed is indicated in detail in the message 1060 of March 17, 2023.

How the telematic procedure works

ā€œThe public medical commissions [ā€¦] they are authorized to draw up minutes of both the first instance and the audit even only on the deedsā€œ. The application for recognition of invalidity can be submitted by the person concerned or by his or her representative together with the correct documentation and the introductory medical certificate.

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The 1060 message also reads how the completion of the medico-legal assessment with the new methods is aimed at

  • simplify the entire administrative health procedure,
  • guarantee rapid times for the definition of the requests,
  • insure a rational and efficient use of resources available to INPS,
  • reduce the average visit call times for cases where a direct assessment is necessary.

The online service, therefore, becomes the exclusive mode of transmission of health records. It means that the documentation sent through other channels – including forwarding with Certified Mail (PEC) will not be taken into consideration.

The key to the disability claim is the objective assessment

The telematic process is incentivized and must be operated whenever the attached online documentation permits one objective evaluation. Only in the event that the documents prove to be insufficient for the drafting of the report, the citizen would be summoned. In fact, the commission does not risk providing an erroneous clinical picture ā€“ we would be talking about lawsuit of forgery in order ā€“ writing in the report a fact that cannot be ascertained from the documentation.

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The documentation will remain saved in the archives. Furthermore, INPS announced that in order to fully implement Legislative Decree number 76/2020, it is proceeding with an implementation of IT systems in order to connect the social security institution with the local health authorities. The objective is to allow the visualization of the health documents attached by the applicant and, therefore, the definition of the reports by the medical commissions of the Local Health Authorities.

The details of the INPS online service

By accessing the INPS portal, citizens can submit the health documentation for the application for recognition of disability. Specifically, sending is about both

  • the first instance requests or aggravation
  • the questions of revision

for invalidity, deafness, blindness, handicap and disability benefits. The interested party must necessarily give the own consent to the evaluation of the documents. As mentioned, the documentation will be kept in the archives and can be consulted at any time, even in the event of subsequent audits, aggravations or extraordinary verifications prepared by INPS. The documents could also be used for the General Legal Coordination activities and the Higher Medical Commission.

What happens if an application has already been submitted

Citizens who have already submitted a disability application or have already received a communication from INPS regarding a revision they will be free to request the evaluation through documentation sent online. Simply access the Institute’s portal and proceed with authentication using digital credentials.

Pay attention to the way documents are presented. These will only be accepted if in PDF format and less than 2MB in size to document. The commission will evaluate them and then draw up the report which will be sent to the applicant by registered letter with return receipt.

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For further information, refer to reading the INPS manual with the instructions for the “Attachment and sending of health documentation for disabled civilians” service. Here the direct link.

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