Home » Name “Lukas” sprayed on cars and traffic signs in Leonding

Name “Lukas” sprayed on cars and traffic signs in Leonding

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Name “Lukas” sprayed on cars and traffic signs in Leonding

The unknown sprayed traffic signs, the Alharting town sign, four cars, three street lamps, a ticket machine, three garbage cans and a bus stop shelter over a distance of around 2.6 kilometers. Some of the sprayers have also immortalized themselves on the street and on walls in a bright pink-orange.

Police are asking for information

The name “Lukas” should play a role in the act. As reported by the police, the letters “L”, “LUK” and “LUKAS” can be read several times on the “works”. The Leonding Police Inspectorate asks for information by calling 059133/4136-100.


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