Home » Renzi, the break with Calenda and the 10 fake news: “He wanted the Reformist Third Polo newspaper with membership subscription”

Renzi, the break with Calenda and the 10 fake news: “He wanted the Reformist Third Polo newspaper with membership subscription”

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Renzi, the break with Calenda and the 10 fake news: “He wanted the Reformist Third Polo newspaper with membership subscription”

Il Reformist is “a free voice” and it is clear “that it is not the Third Pole newspaper as he told me to do calendar“. These are the words of Matthew Renzileader of Italia Viva and from next May 3 editorial director of Reformist. On radio Leopolda, the former premier explains the break with Action and farewell to the single party of Third Pole. “The bitterness of the militants is also mine because there is nothing political in the division that has developed” underlines Renzi. “But I don’t intend to fuel the controversy, I only made a tweet yesterday making an appeal not to break up, to move forward all together, I have demonstrated in recent months that I give maximum availability and I couldn’t do more. There is no political motivation for this break,” he adds.

Renzi then goes into detail about the break, labeled as one unilateral choice of Calenda: “Carlo has decided in his freedom and autonomy to convene a meeting, fix it, let us know in the press that the single party was dead. I’d say it’s useless now to throw responsibility or blame again, let’s talk about the future”, before reiterating that “a great opportunity has vanished, there won’t be a single party, Calenda has chosen not to do it, it’s a mistake, an own goal, but it is a unilateral choice”.

Returning to Reformist, Renzi assures that “we will have a lot of fun”, underlining that “those who are afraid of ideas are not those who love politics, they are only populists and sovereigns. Anyone who wants to deepen, dialogue, even discuss cannot be afraid of Reformist or Leopolda”. His Reformist will be released “from May 3 and I can guarantee you that it will be one more free voice”. He reiterates that it will not be the Third Pole newspaper “as Calenda had told me to do. I answered no because this was Carlo’s idea, who wanted to give all members of the Riformista season ticket. No, the Riformista is a space of freedom”.

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Is it a problem that a parliamentarian is the director? It has always been like this – recalls the former prime minister – Sergio Mattarella did it far more authoritatively than me with the People, Massimo D’Alema did it and I won’t put it here much more authoritatively, Walter Veltroni did it, did Bettino Craxi. It has been an Italian tradition to have political leaders feed the debate in a newspaper, since the time of Ricasoli. Spadolini was also editor of a newspaper”.

On the Meloni government he claims: “How is it possible that no one points out to Meloni that when she has to make the appointments she puts all those we had chosen, after years of accused us of being slaves of lobbies? If today we were in a serene situation we would have to say that time is a gentleman, at Eni, at the Post Office, even at Leonardo where the Cingolani who had designed the post-Expo project when we were in government was called. In the end, we at Meloni don’t ask for copyrightsbut time pays back with interest all that we seem to lose in the short term”.

THE 10 FAKE NEWS ON THE BREAKING OF THE THIRD POLE – “There is not a single political choice that has divided the third pole, but only a personal choice of Carlo Calenda”. This is what we read in a document from Italia Viva – Renew Europe. Among the other ‘fake news’ to which the document responds, that on Renzi’s ‘personal problems’ with Calenda. No personal problems, they assure from Italia Viva, underlining that “Renzi allowed Calenda to become minister, ambassador, leader of the third pole and supported him both at the European elections and at the Municipality of Rome, helping to finance his electoral campaigns. It is clear that Renzi has no personal or character problem with Calenda”.

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The text underlines that Leopolda was not the bone of contention because “Renzi always organized it, when he was mayor, when he was premier, when he was in the Democratic Party, when he was in IV, because Leopolda is an area of ​​freedom” which also for Calenda was “extraordinarily beautiful”. It should be noted that the date of 29 October had already been set for the dissolution of Iv, that Italia Viva would have contributed to 50% of all expenses (therefore no problem with money), and that the problem was not even the direction of the Reformist: “Calenda was enthusiastic about Renzi’s choice”, and expressed it “both on Twitter and on television broadcasts”.

It is fake news that Renzi “did not want the rule on conflict of interest”, it is “false” that Renzi “voted for La Russa in exchange for a vice presidency and supervision”, that he is not a “lobbyist” and that the “rupture it was consumed for political reasons”.

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