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Which pizza has the least calories of all? We got it all wrong: it’s not the daisy

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Which pizza has the least calories of all?  We got it all wrong: it’s not the daisy

Think you’re an expert in pizza? So answer this question: which pizza has the least calories of all? Surely most of you will answer: Margherita, wrong. Apparently, in fact, the least caloric pizza is definitely another.

Pizza is a delicacy loved in Italy and around the world, by those who prefer it thin or thick, crunchy or soft. Can be seasoned and enriched with a thousand variations of taste, but it can also be caloric in some cases. Everyone can find the perfect recipe for themselves, depending on their taste!

How many calories are present in a margherita pizza? If we take for example the most famous pizza in the world, i.e. the classic margherita, we can simply answer this question. A pizza margherita with tomato and mozzarella produced by a restaurant provides approx 270 calories per 100 grams. The weight of a pizza varies from 250 to 300 grams, with an overall caloric intake that can vary from 700 to 800 calories.

Then, when the pizza maker decides to add a little more oil or even opts for buffalo mozzarella instead of the traditional fior di latte, then the caloric intake isthe resultant will further increase.

Which pizza has the least calories of all? It’s not Margaret!

Many have wondered which pizza has the least calories of all. Yet, not everyone has always received the right answer to this question. The Margherita, in fact, is not the least caloric, even it is the latter that appears in the most restrictive diets.

Which pizza has the least calories of all? ā€“ Wineandfoodtour.it

Pizza can be a high-calorie food, but also high in fat. Nutritionally speaking, most part of the calories comes from the abundant presence of carbohydrates (over 50%), followed by fat (30%) and protein (15%).

What are the number of calories in pizza marinara?

Another pizza known for not being very greasy is the Marinara. Marinara is a great variation of pizza if you want to avoid mozzarella. It is stuffed with tomato, garlic, oregano and oil and has 240 calories per 100 grams. Therefore, eating it whole can lead to between 600 and 720 kcal. So she is the pizza with the least calories!

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There is also another variant of the Margherita, pizza without sauce: with a thinner and whiter base, made even tastier by the addition of extra virgin olive oil and salt. The white pizza, with more mozzarella but without tomato, has about 302 calories per 100 grams (therefore between 750 and 900 kcal in total).

Se prefer the pizza by the slicekeep in mind that a daisy triangle can get to weigh up to 200 grams and provide between 500 and 550 calories.

Can you tell me how many calories are in a capricciosa pizza?

Let’s talk about one of the pizzas with more ingredients. How many calories does a capricious or a four seasons have? In terms of ingredients, both travel on the same wave: in fact, we find on the soft dough: the classic tomato, a good oil, champignon mushrooms but also artichokes in oil and black olives. However, there is also the abundant presence of cooked ham and mozzarella.

Capricciosa Pizza

Capricciosa Pizza ā€“ Wineandfoodtour.it

The only difference is the arrangement of the same on the pizza. A “capricciosa” pizza is often arranged randomly, while a “four seasons” is arranged geometrically in the four corners of the base to recall the seasons of the year. However, this variety of ingredients and culinary essences results in a high calorie content: about a thousand calories for a whole pizza. A delicious one combination of ham and mushrooms.

If you are looking for a lighter option, pizza with ham and mushrooms could be for you. Obviously, it’s not without calories: a whole one provides between 850 to 900 kcal. In contrast, the pizza ai four cheeses rivals as the most caloric of all: it is generally topped with various fat-rich cheeses such as fontina, but also gorgonzola, the ever-present mozzarella and ā€“ in some ā€“ even emmenthal. Just think that a whole 300 gram pizza is so heavy that it supplies well 1050 calorie!

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If you want to taste something less caloric, then you can’t miss the diavola: tomato, mozzarella, spicy salami, peppers and (sometimes) black olives, contribute to a caloric intake between 800 and 900 kcal. Finally, young and old alike love pizza with frankfurters and fries: it is a very tasty dish that provides among the 900 and 1000 calories!

What are the nutritional values ā€‹ā€‹of a vegetable pizza?

There are also lighter variants and – obviously – less calories than a pizza. What calories does a vegetable pizza have, for example? Let’s talk about a seasoned white pizza with seasonal grilled vegetables such as delicious cherry tomatoes, sweet courgettes, succulent peppers and good aubergines.

Vegetable pizza

Vegetable pizza ā€“ Wineandfoodtour.it

If you are on a diet but want to enjoy a delicious dish, try the bresaola, rocket and parmesan pizza. The energy contribution is between 680 and 840 calories, so you don’t have to feel guilty about eating something tasty. Among the lightest pizzas we have that cwith zucchini flowers and alici, typical of the Roman culinary tradition, which provides between 680 and 780 calories.

Slightly higher is the calorie content of one pizza with tuna and onion, ranging from 700 to 820 kcal. How many calories are in homemade pizza? In this case, one should only be concerned with making the pizza healthy and digestible rather than with how many calories it contains. A homemade pizza is certainly healthier than the same one bought at the supermarket.

Even the strictest diets require this food to allow us to have a complete meal once a week. To prepare a healthy pizza, avoiding acquiring too many calories, the first rule is to use a thin dough and also ask for it when you go to the restaurant. This way you can save up to one hundred calories and prevent excessive abdominal swelling.

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If you then avoid eating the ledge, you can reduce another fifty. A pizza made with whole wheat flour has the same amount of calories as a pizza made with white flour. But, unlike the second one, the one with wholemeal flour is richer in fiber: it guarantees a greater feeling of satiety, and helps to absorb less fat and carbohydrates.

Tips for a lighter pizza

If you want a light and tasty pizza at the same time, you can reduce the amount of mozzarella. Try reducing it by half or by 40% compared to the standard dough. To obtain even more digestibility, ask for (or prepare) pizza with sourdough and long leavening dough.


pizza- wineandfoodtour.it

Per cook healthy pizza at homeadd extra virgin olive oil after cooking. But if you’re going the quick route with a frozen pizza, be sure to check the labels. Just think that a frozen daisy has about 30-40 fewer calories, of the same pizza that we usually eat in pizzerias, but choose it only if prepared with quality ingredients. Which meal of the day is better to enjoy a tasty pizza? When you program una dinner at the restaurant, you don’t just have to count calories. A pizza can be a great option, as long as you choose it carefully.

Opt for a light pizza (like the aforementioned margherita and marinara or vegetable garden) and keep well away from those too seasoned (we are referring, of course, to the four cheeses and similar super seasoned). Before you eat your pizza, order a mixed or green salad: the fibers contained will help to have more satiety and the water present in the vegetables will provide some hydration.

Avoid combining fried pizza, carbonated drinks and other potential caloric foods such as cheeses, sausages or overly elaborate desserts. Take a break from your evening commitments to go for a long walk. If you want to maintain a healthy weight, we recommend eat pizza for lunch when you have more time to work off the calories. Remember to choose pizza with the highest quality ingredients.

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