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Ukrainian war, Kuleba to Sky TG24: “Very important Xi-Zelensky phone call”

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“The China can can play an important role” in the resolution of the conflict in Ukraine: this was said by the Foreign Minister of Kiev, Dmytro Kuleba, a guest of Sky TG24. On the day of the phone call between Xi Jinping and Volodymyr Zelensky, the head of the Foreign Ministry also reiterated that “we would welcome Pope Francis with open arms. Our invitation is still valid, he can come when he wants ”. Many topics were touched upon in the interview, from arms supplies to the wheat agreement to the reconstruction of Ukraine, for which a bilateral conference was held today in Rome.

Kuleba to Sky TG24: “Counteroffensive is to retake Ukrainian territory”

There will certainly be a spring counter-offensive”, confirmed Kuleba, during the interview with Sky TG24. “I won’t tell you when because I don’t want to facilitate Russia, but we are preparing our armed forces”. The Ukrainian foreign minister explained that the “sole purpose” of the counter-offensive “is to liberate Ukrainian territory, take back what belongs to us, don’t take something that doesn’t belong to us”.

Kuleba on Sky TG24: “The Pope is welcome in Kiev whenever he wants”

We would welcome the Pope with open arms, Ukraine is with the pope for peace. Our invitation is still valid, it is a permanently open invitation, it can come at any time,” Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba told Sky TG24. “I don’t know why he hasn’t come yet: we have talks with the Vatican and the invitation hasn’t been rejected, but we still don’t have an official date for a visit from the Pope”, he added, saying he is convinced that “people in Ukraine they would appreciate it very much and would be happy to welcome the Pope in this dark period”.

Kuleba to Sky TG24: “Italians would drive out the enemy, we are like you”

“If military assistance does not come to Ukraine, Russia will kill Ukrainians and defeat Ukraine. This is not the peace people are looking for. I understand who is against arms supply, but the only way to achieve peace is to give Ukraine a chance to expel the enemy” from its territory. “I am confident that this is what the Italian people would do: they would fight until the enemy was driven out. And we are like you,” Dmytro Kuleba told Sky TG24.

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Kuleba to Sky TG24: “Armed forces will help Zunino”

“The moment I heard the news of this inauspicious event, I contacted our military forces who gave me the details of the case. They got in contact with the journalist and will do everything they can to help him,” said Dmytro Kuleba on the wounding of the Italian journalist Corrado Zunino in Ukraine. The minister confirmed that the collaborator who accompanied the collaborator of Repubblica was killed under the blows of the Russians. “The Russians don’t care if you are Russian, Italian or Ukrainian, they simply shoot”, added Kuleba.(WAR IN UKRAINE: ALL UPDATES)

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17.54 The interview with Dmytro Kuleba is over

17.52 Kuleba on Sky TG24: “The Ukrainian people are the best ally”

On weapons for the counteroffensive and the ally that made the most difference during the war, “the best ally was the courage of the people of Ukraine. They put their lives at risk. We cannot fight without your weapons, you are helping us save lives: we appreciate any help”.

17.50 Kuleba on Sky TG24: “The two principles for peace”

On Xi Jinping’s possible role as mediator, Kuleba said: “Since the beginning of the invasion, there have been many attempts at mediation but very few have been successful. We believe that the wisest strategies are to focus on a few points. Russia doesn’t want peace, it wants war: for any mediation effort it is important that they are based on the idea that Ukraine will take back its territories. The second principle is not to freeze the conflict. If the two principles are respected, we will be happy with any initiative for peace”.

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17.45 Kuleba on Sky TG24: “We would be happy to welcome the Pope”

On the possible role of the Pope, Kuleba added: “We would welcome Pope Francis with open arms. Our invitation is still valid, he can come when he wants. I don’t know why he didn’t come, he didn’t decline the invitation and that’s a good sign but we didn’t even get a date. People in Ukraine would be very happy to welcome the Pope”.

17.43 Kuleba on Sky TG24: “The Commission is responsible for wheat”

On Ukraine’s future in the European Union and the fate of the grain deal, Kuleba said: “Each country has its own domestic politics, and there is a strong influence of national politics. When it comes to the export of agricultural products, there can be different positions. We want to keep a cool head, this is important because trade issues are within the Commission’s remit. We are ready to take steps to solve these problems. In some cases the decisions violated the obligations of individual countries.

17.39 Kuleba on Sky TG24: “Ukraine will be a great construction site”

On the topic of reconstruction, Kuleba added: “After our victory, Ukraine will become the largest European construction site since the Second World War. Those who arrive first, are better accommodated and will be able to benefit more than those who arrive later. We want the link between Italians and Ukrainians to work, today’s event was very useful”.

17.36 Kuleba on Sky TG24: “We want to free our country”

“I think it depends on the people of Russia, their elites, what they want to do. We don’t want to get involved in this, we want to liberate our country. The only condition is to restore our territorial unity, what happens in Russia does not concern us”.

17.32 Kuleba on Sky TG24: “We will free our territory”

On the subject of the counteroffensive and the situation on the ground, Kuleba added: “There will be a spring counteroffensive, but I won’t tell you when. We are getting ready. The sole purpose is to liberate the Ukrainian territory, we will liberate our territory.”

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17.28 Kuleba on Sky TG24: “Nobody supply weapons to Russia”

“It is important that no country supplies Russia with military technology. Russia has violated the UN Charter. It is important that Moscow does not find a way to bypass the sanctions. China can be an important player, we need a dialogue with them”.

17.26 Kuleba on Sky TG24: “China can play an important role”

“The fact of the China-Ukraine call is important, the first conversation between the leaders since the beginning of the invasion,” Foreign Minister of Ukraine Dmytro Kuleba told Sky TG24. “China can play an important role. There is great respect for territorial integrity, China has reaffirmed its strong commitment to territorial integrity”.

17.00 Interview with Kuleba in half an hour

At 17.30 the Ukrainian Foreign Minister, Dmytro Kuleba, is a guest of Sky TG24. The holder of the Kiev dicastery is in Rome, where the bilateral conference on the reconstruction of Ukraine is underway.

16.45 Kuleba in Rome: “War is not an obstacle to investment”

Ukrainian Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba, at the plenary of the Conference on reconstruction in Rome, said: “We must not consider the war as an obstacle to investment, we in government are making our country viable and a source of attraction for foreign investment You can already think about deepening a business project, so when the war is over you will be ready. I invite you to also consider social and humanitarian projects, to support the people who have suffered the most”.

16.30 At 17.30 the interview with Dmytro Kuleba

Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba, in Rome to participate in the plenary session of the Conference on the reconstruction of Ukraine, is a guest of Sky TG24 at 17.30

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