Home » Vitamin E, that’s why it’s so precious to the body: foods where you find it the most

Vitamin E, that’s why it’s so precious to the body: foods where you find it the most

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Vitamin E, that’s why it’s so precious to the body: foods where you find it the most

Do you know how important vitamin E is for our body? Let’s find out all its beneficial effects and in which foods we can find it.

We all know how much it is It is important for the proper functioning of our body to take vitamins, in the early twentieth century the scientists studying them came to catalog them in 13 varieties which are still known today. They are micronutrients that in very small quantities meet the needs of our body, some are produced by our body but others must be taken in through the diet: foods of plant origin are those that contain the most. Vitamins are also produced synthetically in laboratories and sold in pharmacies as supplements.

What is vitamin E for – which foods contain it – ffwebmagazine.it

In fact, we could do very well without taking vitamin E via supplements, just vary the diet and eat foods that contain it in nature: mainly vegetables. This vitamin is fat-soluble: to be absorbed it needs a quantity of fat, therefore we must never eliminate it completely from our diets, through the digestive process it will be accumulated in the liver which is the organ where vitamin E is deposited. Care must be taken because the excess, as with all vitamin complexes, can cause problems, for example excessive bleeding. So if we don’t have specific deficiencies, it’s not healthy to take supplements.

The properties of vitamin E and what to eat so that it is always present in our body

Vitamin E has, among others a protective action on the cell membrane, always guaranteeing its stability and protection, the daily requirement is 8 to 10 milligrams. Through an exchange mechanism it counteracts free radicals which tend to damage cells and is therefore also a powerful antioxidant necessary to counteract cell aging; We must be careful because its deficiency can bring us serious problems, for example the aggregation of platelets; the insufficiency of vitamin E can sometimes depend on a bad diet but also on taking drugs that inhibit its production. In this case it is important to take supplements.

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How much vitamin E do we need?
Vitamin E is needed, how much and where to find it – ffwebmagazine.it

Taking enough vitamin E for the proper functioning of our body is very easy, many contain it foods, especially of plant origin, which we are already inclined to bring to the table given the Mediterranean tradition of our cuisine! It is present in many oils: sunflower or extra virgin olive oil but also in dried fruit such as almonds and walnuts, as far as fruit is concerned, avocado is very rich in it, not to mention vegetables and greens, tomatoes, broccoli and spinach.

In short, you are spoiled for choice! We never leave any of these foods missing on our tables, alternating them with others so that our body is never deficient in the vitamins we need and does not need synthetic supplements.

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