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The misery of hyenas and the hostility of fools

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The misery of hyenas and the hostility of fools
Electronic science – written by Yunus Al-Tayeb

The media plays great roles in times of peace and in times of diplomatic tension and military clash between countries. And in the case of non-democratic countries, the media turns into a spokesman for what the ruling regime thinks and discusses behind the scenes. The official media is tasked with promoting the official point of view and decisions in politics, diplomacy, economics and other fields…

At that time, we talk about media outlets linked to systems that define the editorial line, and it is said “official media” or “propaganda media”. The so-called “private” media is also mobilized when it is funded, infiltrated and directed by the authorities and their intelligence services.

In many examples of tensions and wars between countries, we are familiar with the media using the weapon of the word, where the discourse is strong and the analyzes are political, and the speeches are inflammatory and sometimes violent, and false news and fabricated information are published. However, the media remains far away from the language of insulting and cursing and undermining the honor of the women of the other side, and attacking honors unjustly. Journalists carry out their duties, with varying degrees of professional commitment, out of loyalty to their political systems and to defend the interests of their countries.

This was the case before the emergence of a new type of media, which I personally call “hyena media”, or “media with the logic of hyenas”, invented by a regime that lives on the rhythm of strong struggles between its sick, eroded and dilapidated military and intelligence wings. A regime that is still incapable of crystallizing a strategic vision for state management or a political vision that is not subject to the mood of those who prevail, every day, from among the currents of senior military people who live in isolation from the poor and oppressed people, and from the political bodies that struggle for a democracy that has not yet begun since 1962. .

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Unfortunately, that not mentioned system has given the world a new model of media practice, through official television, the Misery News Agency, and mercenary YouTube channels. It is carried out by genetically modified hyenas that know no morals, norms, or principles, and have no specific rules of play. And no red lines. Hyenas practice journalism with animal logic driven by the instinct to harm, the desire to kill, and the sight of blood.

During this week, we followed blatant examples of the media with the logic of hyenas, through reports of insults and insults on state television and in articles by the Misery News Agency, in which there is a huge amount of malice, slander and abuse against the state and people, and they believe that they should deal with it as ” A classic enemy: it is permissible to attack him, his institutions and his people, without embarrassment in writing anything or saying anything…

Honestly, I was hoping that the ruling regime, its mercenaries of opinion, the YouTube hyenas and the media brokers in its orbit would stop spreading discourse of sedition, hatred and malice against Morocco. However, what was broadcast on state television recently confirms that the people are far from the minimum level of rationality, and there is no doubt that the situation will continue in the same way as long as the country and the people remain hostages in the hands of a corrupt and immoral regime, which lives in grief because of its inability to score points against our country in Diplomacy, economics and politics, and gulp the bitterness of injustice because of cowardice and inability to implement the military foolishness that was planned and bear the consequences.

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As long as the powerful general in the same regime (note that I do not use the term “cabaranat”…!!!) does not want to forget the bitterness of his arrest and captivity in the glorious soil of Umkala, his enmity towards us and his incitement against our country will continue. I wish the enmity of the normal would be hostile to us, instead of what we see of the attacks of hyenas, which indicate that we are facing the enmity of fools who strike with stones, insult and insult without shame or an iota of shame…

The important thing is… Morocco will remain too big for the foolish. I love the one I love and hate the one who hates…. and the blessings of Hadra.

#Manage _ the _ intention _ and _ serve _ our _ country


#God _ Home _ King

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