Home » Is the stationary bike really that effective for losing weight? The truth

Is the stationary bike really that effective for losing weight? The truth

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Is the stationary bike really that effective for losing weight?  The truth

Exercise bike or walking? Which option is better for losing weight? Here’s the truth about these two ways to lose weight

An American study has shown that brisk walking is an excellent solution for improving mental health and memory, not only for the elderly but also for all age groups. You don’t need to go to the gym or buy expensive equipment, just walk wherever it is, in the city or in the countryside, by the sea or in the mountains.

Can the exercise bike help us lose weight? -Ossinotizie.it

So if you’re looking for a way to lose weight and get back in shape, brisk walking can be a great solution. Cardio fitness equipment such as the exercise bike or the treadmill are another possibility we have for practicing physical activity, especially when it’s winter and the weather outside is cold or bad to be able to go for a ride or a run away from home. But does it really make you lose weight?

Does the exercise bike make you lose weight? Here is the answer

Thanks to the stationary bike, it is possible to train indoors, constituting a great alternative for those who want to keep fit without having to leave the house. Losing weight with this tool is easy because it allows you to burn calories and at the same time toning the muscles.

cycling makes you lose weight
The gyms, alternatively, have rooms equipped with exercise bikes and aerobic equipment (Unplash) – ossinotizie.it

A valid alternative to the exercise bike is walking outdoors, which is an excellent opportunity to sunbathe and fill up on vitamin D, improve mood, increase aerobic capacity and blood circulation. In addition, walking regularly helps increase bone density and prevent osteoporosis, reduce the risk of heart disease and diabetes, improve respiratory health and strengthen the immune system.

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The two options are both great, however there is an important difference in calories burned. When you exercise on a stationary bike moderately, you burn about twice as many calories as someone who walks briskly in the same amount of time. This happens as the amount of calories burned depends the intensity, speed and duration of the exercise and with the stationary bike it is easier to accelerate.

Cycling burns more calories than walking outside, but it’s important to note that both exercises have different effects on the body. The walk helps build stronger bones and can reduce the risk of develop osteoporosis, as the leg muscles support the weight of the body. Conversely, the stationary bike offers less strain on the joints and is ideal for those with knee problems.

Before choosing which exercise to practice, it is important to do a complete check and make sure of your abilities. The stationary bike turns out to be the most appreciated home fitness tool for those who want to lose weight. Used correctly, it can be compared to sports such as running, allowing you to achieve the goal of the dweight loss successfully.

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