Home » Weekly horoscope from May 8 to 14, 2023 | Magazine | Horoscope

Weekly horoscope from May 8 to 14, 2023 | Magazine | Horoscope

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Weekly horoscope from May 8 to 14, 2023 |  Magazine |  Horoscope

Read the weekly horoscope for the period from May 8 to 14, 2023!

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Read the weekly horoscope from May 8 to 14, 2023 and find out what the stars tell you when it comes to love, work and health!


The weekly horoscope from May 8 to 14, 2023 says that Aries will have a more or less normal week. Small quarrels with colleagues at work, “regular” disagreements with family members, less shopping, new acquaintances are possible… but none of this will disturb your usual rhythm. If you are thinking about a diet, this week is not particularly suitable, it is not the time to change the menu. In “calm sea” love, free Aries are somewhat reluctant to new acquaintances and romances. Your best days will be Tuesday and Sunday.


Taurus expects a very pleasant week. You can count on perfect cooperation with the people you often interact with at work. Harmony in the family as well. Relationships with friends are very warm and full of support, which is exactly what you needed in the last period that was not easy for you. Be more tolerant towards your partner, look at the bigger picture. Forgive the little things and everything will get better. Your best days will be Thursday and Saturday.


This week, Gemini will have the opportunity to finally resolve a long-standing conflict at work or to “win” in a fight against colleagues who represent their competition. It is not excluded that some will have opportunities to increase their income, all thanks to the good results they will achieve. As far as love is concerned, it would not be wise for the representatives of this sign to trust current emotions, which is especially true for those who find themselves in front of love temptations.
Your best days will be Monday and Friday.

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The weekly horoscope from May 8 to 14, 2023 says that many Cancers will refuse to listen to intuition this week, which will be a big mistake. Your inner voice will guide you on how to act in delicate situations and avoid problems, from wrong choices and decisions at work to unwanted changes in love. During this period, the stars do not recommend entering into conflicts with persons in a higher position. Learn to shut up a bit. Your best days will be Tuesday and Thursday.


This week, Leos should more often seek advice and help from those who have richer life experience. In this way, they will not only avoid making reckless mistakes, but also make their lives much easier by relieving themselves and shifting the burden of decision-making to others. Some Leos could be disappointed in their partner in the afternoon. However, they should not rush to conclusions, they should let things settle. Your best days will be Tuesday and Thursday.


Virgo, no matter how tired you feel, during this period you should not avoid dealing with “difficult” situations and avoid making important decisions at work. Success follows if you persevere, as well as a hefty reward. Be careful in conversations – there is a risk that some person, who “at first” seems very charming, but is actually “devious” and not at all honest, will use your secrets for his own benefit. Find a break from work and obligations in the love and support of your partner. The best days will be Friday and Saturday.

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Libra will do well this week. Just don’t argue with your superiors – it could completely change your current status and the position you fought for. If you have recently entered into a relationship, it would be wise to ask a little about the subject of your interest, there is a possibility that he is not what he presents himself to be. Free Libras enjoy socializing, romance is not on their mind right now. The best days will be Wednesday and Sunday.


This week will be successful for Scorpios for various jobs and projects, especially for those related to creative work. There is a high probability that you will also receive money, a payment for some part-time work you did recently, which will greatly improve the household budget and help you solve some material problems. Busy representatives of this sign enjoy harmony, while singles can expect a handful of invitations for dating and courtship. The best days will be Tuesday and Friday.


The weekly horoscope from May 8 to 14, 2023 says that a very favorable week awaits Sagittarius. Especially in terms of finances. However, do not be in a hurry to immediately spend all the money on unnecessary purchases. You have a great opportunity to multiply your profits by investing wisely. If you want your relationship to succeed, you should be less selfish, which especially comes to the fore in this period, and is extremely annoying to your partner. The best days will be Monday and Saturday.


Capricorns will be in an emotional ecstasy this week and can expect that relations with their partner will improve drastically. Even better news awaits the free. A new romance is knocking on the door of those who have been looking for love for a long time or are struggling with their feelings for a former love. However, the financial situation is not the best. Unforeseen expenses are possible, because of which you will have to reach for the “piggy bank” and start saving. The best days will be Monday and Sunday.

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A rather calm and harmonious week for Aquarians. The only thing that can disturb your peace of mind is self-doubt and your actions at work. A lack of self-confidence could lead to a feeling of “shame”, especially if you are engaged in public work. In love, everything is as it should be, you feel your partner’s love and desire to please you. Be more attentive to your health, control your diet, your stomach is particularly sensitive. Your best days will be Wednesday and Thursday.


The weekly horoscope from May 8 to 14, 2023 has good news for Pisces. The stars are well aligned, you don’t expect any major problems, even when obstacles seem imminent. However, beware of emotional decisions, especially when it comes to work. Strictly adhere to the pre-designed plan and instructions from your superiors – and everything will go smoothly. Some Pisces could get into a very serious romance at work, which is not recommended for you. Your best days will be Wednesday and Friday.

How are the stars in your favor today? Advice from our astrologers for health, love and work awaits you every day on Viber. APPLY HERE.


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