Home » After the holding, Renzi throws himself into marketing: the newco Ma.Re Adv is born

After the holding, Renzi throws himself into marketing: the newco Ma.Re Adv is born

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After the holding, Renzi throws himself into marketing: the newco Ma.Re Adv is born

Renzi founds Ma.Re Adv, the newco will support the marketing and communication activities of the companies

“Now I’ve taken a little more time for myself, to study, to read, to lose those ten kilos I’ve gained”. So she spoke a few days ago Matthew Renzi. But the “media pause” described by the leader (with Carlo Calenda) of Third Pole-Italia Viva it is also a break to give way to expand its business.

In fact, a few days ago, almost immediately after transforming his Ma.Re Consulting into Ma.Re Holding and embarking his son Francesco as a 10% shareholder in the capital, the former prime minister has launched a new company with this vehicle. In fact, he presented himself in Florence before the notary Niccolò Turchini to establish, in his capacity as sole director of Ma.re Holding, the new one Ma.Re Adv with a share capital of 10 thousand euros. The newco will see Renzi again (who spent 2,500 euros to set it up) as sole director.

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What will he do? Of business consultancy yes, but above all of marketing broadly, also touching on publishing. The statute speaks in fact that Ma.re Adv will be active for customers in “improving their positioning in the reference sector, expanding their presence on the markets, strengthening their reputation also through market research” and “marketing, public relations and commercial promotion activities”. The newco will give “communication support at the service of companies and consultancy for relational activities” and I will also carry out “editorial activity, promotion and organization of studies, monographs, brochures” and “organisation, promotion and management of economic, and/or artistic, and/or advertising and cultural events”.

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