Home » Bergamo, Pezzotta: “Me unknown? A virtue. Here are the priorities”. Interview

Bergamo, Pezzotta: “Me unknown? A virtue. Here are the priorities”. Interview

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Bergamo, Pezzotta: “Me unknown? A virtue. Here are the priorities”.  Interview

Bergamo, Pezzotta: “Me unknown? A virtue. Here are the priorities”. The interview by Business to the CDX mayoral candidate

With the announcement of Andrea Pezzotta’s candidacy for mayor, Bergamo will finally be able to begin a short but intense electoral campaign chasing the last vote based on mutual respect of the candidates as announced by CSX candidate Elena Carnevali: “From today I know the name of my challenger. We are already working with conviction to offer the towns and citizens of Bergamo a choice that continues the innovation expressed by the Gori administration and is increasingly closer to the new needs of the city. There’s no going back. Best wishes for good work to Andrea Pezzotta”.

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The votes of the will make the difference Third Pole who, as soon as they learned the news from Pezzotta, issued a press release through the provincial president of IV Gianmarco Gabrieli: “We have analyzed the titles of the program of the left, represented by the candidate Elena Carnevali, and we recognize the importance of an open and constructive dialogue. As regards the right and the candidacy of the lawyer Pezzotta, we note that his good reputation is mainly linked to his professional experiences. We await with interest a clearer definition of his political ideas and his vision for Bergamo. I would also like to highlight that Italia Viva, together with our Action allies and the European Liberal Democrats, is committed to developing a common program with dedication and seriousness. We have decided to keep the choice of our candidates for mayor confidential until the appropriate time, to ensure a careful decision-making process in line with the values ​​and objectives of our central electorate”. In short, until a hypothetical run-off, the Third Pole could face a solitary race.

Meanwhile, exclusively to the microphones of Affaritaliani.itspeaks the new CDX candidate Andrea Pezzotta, lawyer, civic centrist.

Good morning lawyer, where were you and what were you doing when you learned that your candidacy was official?

I was in the studio and the regional manager of Fratelli d’Italia Maccari called me to announce the official announcement.

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The first reaction?

Obviously great satisfaction.

Have you ever thought about blowing it all off or about retiring?

No, not this, but certainly since December, that is, since my name was on the table of the coalition, I have been asking them to hurry up in order to start the electoral campaign. If we had to wait for other municipalities or national issues, we would arrive in April without a candidate yet.

Have the three Forza Italia candidates never been taken into consideration?

They were three excellent names, serious and prepared people, but then choices have to be made, but there will certainly be a way to collaborate.

Where will the election campaign open?

I have already started it, but the first public release will be at the Forza Italia provincial congress next Saturday.

What will be your priorities on which you will base your election campaign?

I’ll tell you two things on which there will be discontinuity: on traffic and the management of the provinces, I don’t like a Bergamo that is too central.

Do you already have an electoral tour in mind in the neighborhoods, markets, meetings with associations?

Yes, certainly, I will be supported by a team of expert people, starting with the former mayor and friend Franco Tentorio and other trusted friends.

Isn’t she lagging behind her main competitor Elena Carnevali?

This is partly true, but that doesn’t necessarily mean it’s a disadvantage. We have 5 months ahead of us to carry out an electoral campaign in the area.

Gori was also able to gain votes in the centre, the third pole will be the tip of the balance in these elections, how do you plan to win over their electorate most inclined to look to the left?

Gori was unique, but on many issues it seems to me that the third pole is much closer to our themes.

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How will it mainly differ from the CSX electoral program?

More than differentiating itself, it will be the management of many aspects ranging from public works, to traffic, to safety.

On the topic of safety, what are the new proposals that haven’t been heard yet? There are checks, they are often physiological crimes that are difficult to avoid

Thinking of eliminating crimes is impossible, but we will try to increase the presence of the police in the most delicate points of the city, but above all in the provinces.

Even in terms of road safety, every day we see accidents that are often fatal due to distracted driving, speeding or impaired driving. How do you plan to act in this field?

I often travel by bike and unfortunately road safety is an issue that is very close to my heart. I see people around who always drive with their cell phones in their hands, creating insecurity, they are unbearable. You can immediately see those busy on their cell phones because they are uncertain about driving and we will act with the utmost responsibility on this issue.

But they are smart, they keep the phone hidden under the steering wheel, with unmarked cars you can’t see them. Plainclothes motorized officers could be helpful

It is a good proposal that I will certainly take into consideration, we will certainly act decisively on this aspect.

Greenery and traffic don’t always go hand in hand, what are your proposals?

It’s a matter of concept. I’ll give you an example: there are some streets with preferential lanes for buses that occupy half the roadway and then are interrupted, creating more traffic. Just as the preferential lanes for bicycles need to be rethought. As a road user who often rides a bike, they are dangerous.

Let’s get to the doubts that are felt among ordinary people. Pezzotta is a good professional, but he has no political experience in the area and among the people

It may be true, but I really like contact with people, I prefer being among people rather than the classic door-to-door leafleting or advertising billboards. I like the contact with everyday reality that perhaps a professional politician who lives inside the institutions loses.

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Let’s come to the people’s court and as a lawyer, answer the following “charges”. Pezzotta is not as well known as Elena Carnevali who has made politics a profession

Do you think this is a disadvantage? For me it is a virtue to represent civil society, to have daily contact with people, to hear their problems every day and then transfer them into concrete actions.

Pezzotta, due to his activity, certainly doesn’t have the time to dedicate to the city like Carnevali…

I don’t remember any mayors, apart from Gori, who were professional mayors or who didn’t have a parallel professional activity. I think of Tentorio, but of Bruni himself who had a law firm and yet he managed to reconcile institutional commitment very well. I have a studio with 6 professionals who will certainly give me a hand.

You said you don’t have party membership cards and have no intention of taking them, but the coalition parties also want the choice of your name to be theirs. Do you think you will have everyone’s support, or will political games prevail for fear of losing and placing any blame on FdI who first mentioned your name?

I hope not and I don’t think it will happen. I trust the people who mentioned my name. I will be supported by trusted people, prepared and certainly more experienced than me in the electoral campaign. Then in addition to Tentorio, I heard Daniele Belotti from the League who is an expert in being among people.

Make an appeal to the Third Pole

I hope to meet them soon to converge on a common program.

We close with a message to Elena Carnevali

I thank you for the words you said after my appointment and I reciprocate your respect. It will be a fair, civil and program-based election campaign.

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