Home » Berlusconi dead. Now Forza Italia also risks dying. Here because

Berlusconi dead. Now Forza Italia also risks dying. Here because

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Berlusconi dead.  Now Forza Italia also risks dying.  Here because

New Forza Italia headquarters in Milan

Renzi leader of Forza Italia? Difficult…

With the death of Silvio Berlusconi, Forza Italia also risks dying. The news has just been beaten by the agencies and in Parliament it is like a bolt from the blue. The ex Cavaliere was the founder of the centre-right, as well as of Forza Italia and the PDL. Over the years she has tried to look for political heirs but has never found any. The impression – qualified sources explain ad Affaritaliani.it – is that the children of the first marriage, Marina and Piersilvio, have no intention of carrying forward the political entity created in 1994 by their father.

Antonio Tajani, Foreign Minister and Deputy Prime Minister, is in theory number two but many do not recognize themselves in his leadership. Nor martha fascinates, Berlusconi’s companion, could be the leader of Forza Italia. At this point what will happen? Many are asking Montecitorio and Palazzo Madama. For the first few weeks, also out of respect for the mourning of the family, the parliamentary groups should somehow remain united.

But there are those who bet that the group that recognizes itself in Licia Ronzulli, a minority, will eventually go to the League of Matthew Salvini. While the government wing of the party could find a home in the Brothers of Italy. And in the end it is not excluded that someone will go towards the center of the former Third Pole, Action or Italia Viva. Now is the time for condolences and emotions but soon the knots will come home to roost.

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