Home » Bnl Bnpp, growth does not pass through M&A: “The new organization is ready”

Bnl Bnpp, growth does not pass through M&A: “The new organization is ready”

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Bnl Bnpp, growth does not pass through M&A: “The new organization is ready”

«Italy remains central to Bnp Paribas. And it couldn’t be otherwise because the objective declared by the group in the latest industrial plan, that of strengthening its leadership in Europe, cannot do without considering Italy as a central element». She doesn’t mince words Elena Goitini, CEO of Bnl and Bnp Paribas manager for Italy, and, in this interview with Sole 24 Ore, explains the rationale for the new reorganization just launched by the bank after last year it had launched the reorganization of the distribution model (with five territorial departments and one direct department dedicated to more digital customers) and which now wants to grow on the Italian market. «We don’t exclude acquisitions – she explains – but, as repeatedly reiterated, we certainly don’t look at others banks. Our strategy envisages an organic growth path that does not exclude the integration of platforms within ecosystems that facilitate access to the Bnpp galaxy, as has already been done in the case of the Kantox operation. It is a fintech specialized in solutions that make it possible to manage currency risk and which are integrated into the services we offer to our customers”.

What are the main points of the new rearrangement?

It is our response to a scenario in which the needs of customers and stakeholders evolve very rapidly. The request that comes from both is to be quick and fluid both in the decision and in the consequent action. Starting from such a change, the objective we have set ourselves is to work on a simplification of the structure, reducing the organizational levels and expanding managerial responsibilities, and, alongside this, to work on enhancing current skills but above all those perspectives.

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We have reduced the number of structures, which drop from 260 to around 50, while expanding their size (from 10 to around 45 people), and we did so starting from a precise mapping of skills that allows us to work on what I continue to consider the most relevant dimension of capital within this new transformation, namely the dimension of human capital.

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