Home » Bologna massacre, Rocca: “No resignation, De Angelis remains in his post”

Bologna massacre, Rocca: “No resignation, De Angelis remains in his post”

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Bologna massacre, Rocca: “No resignation, De Angelis remains in his post”

Lazio Region, President Rocca pardons his communications chief: “De Angelis remains where he is”

“I met Marcello De Angelis yesterday, late in the evening, and after long reflections and a careful and sincere discussion, I decided not to revoke my trust. Therefore, he will keep the direction of Institutional Communication in the Region ”. This was declared by the President of the Lazio Region Francesco Rocca.

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”I am well aware that, as stated by Marcello De Angelis in recent days in relation to the Bologna massacrehas offended and upset many, but his was a mistake dictated by a strong personal involvement and emotional to tragic events that, still today, animate the conscience and the national political debate. My first thought, these days, went to the families of the victims of Bologna and how a wrong word can reopen wounds that have never healed”, explains Rocca.

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