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Brancaccio (Reeds): “On the Superbonus stop the continuous change of rules”

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Brancaccio (Reeds): “On the Superbonus stop the continuous change of rules”

XXII meeting of the Giovani Ance

On the one hand, the great opportunities of the moment, starting with the NRP, on the other a series of obstacles. The picture described by the president of the Giovani Ance, Angelica Donati during the meeting in Positano. “Today, due to high prices and the geopolitical crisis, but also the weaknesses that have limited the country’s growth in recent decades – said Donati – we are in an extremely critical situation”.

Donati: “The success of the NRP is at risk”

«The success of the PNRR is at risk. We must act quickly! », Adds Donati, who lists the obstacles to development. “An inflation that has not been seen since 1984, the increase in the prices of all the main materials, prices for tenders that chase the problem of rising costs instead of solving it, and an energy crisis that has further put the sector on its knees. The situation is critical, we risk collapse! ».

Research: 49% of Pnrr funds for construction

The Pnrr _ cone records a research by the Ance Study Center – it allocates 49% of the resources to the construction sector and also almost 80% of the resources destined for the ecological transition go through building interventions. Let us not forget, in fact, that in the next 15 years Italy will be able to count on at least 230 billion to be allocated to the realization of interventions of interest to the construction sector. to the last places in Europe for the expenditure of the European Structural Funds 2014-20. A little over a year after the deadline, the level of payments is just under 52%. This means that by the end of next year we will have to spend almost 30 billion euros to avoid the disengagement of funds ”.

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64,000 workers are missing

An ANCE estimate fixes the additional employment requirement needed only for the PNRR at 64,400 units. Angelica Donati, president of Giovani Ance clarifies: «There is a desperate need, in the construction sector, for professionalism at all levels! At the same time, training and competence are also needed in public and private contracting stations, which are our first interlocutors.

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