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Citizenship income, among poor workers and families

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Citizenship income, among poor workers and families

MILANO – Almost a earner of Basic income out of two he is a poor worker. So much so that “it could be said that it would be enough to improve the salary and working conditions of these workers to almost immediately halve the current number of citizens receiving income”. To provide the data and the reflection is the president of INAP, Sebastiano Faddacommenting on the analysis that the National Institute for Public Policy Analysis has dedicated to the instrument through a representative survey of the entire national territory on a sample of over 45,000 individuals aged 18 to 74.

Calculate your fair salary

Reconnaissance also allows for clarification how Covid influenced the use of the measure, and how many people are left at the door knocking for the subsidy. “Over 814 thousand citizens, representing as many families, received citizenship income even before the Covid19 emergency, equal to 45% of recipients – says INAP – Just over 1 million families (55%) instead, he began to perceive the DRC during the health crisis “. One derives from it audience of earners around 1.8 million families. An audience that potentially needs to be doubled: there are about 1.6 million families who intend to apply for the short-term support measure and 1.4 million households whose application was not accepted. “The evaded demand and potential for support is therefore very relevant,” says the Institute.

The poor workers

The phenomenon of working poors is rampant. In detail, it emerges that “about 46% of the recipients are employed (552,666 standard and 279,290 precarious) with jobs that do not allow them to emerge from the hardship and force them to resort to the RdC for subsistence”. And among the potential interested in the measure, the figure is even worse: according to the interviews carried out among the potential audience there is a 49.8% share of similar poor workers and this confirms for Fadda “the need to observe the labor market far beyond the simple aspect of the number of employees to push analyzes and interventions on the subject of the quality of work, wages, productivity, and the reduction of precariousness “. An issue, moreover, made even more urgent by the price flare that, according to the union and many observers, the urgency of a response in bargaining and wages is accelerating, if families are not to be left to a strong loss of purchasing power caused by the simultaneous growth of inflation and stagnation of wages .

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Eight out of ten refuse the job offer because it is poor

According to INAP there are other spies of the “great weakness and fragmentation of the Italian labor market“, and emerge when we analyze the reasons why the Rdc recipients who are included in the path to find a job refuse the proposals that are made to them. Much had been talked about the criteria of the distance between the proposed job and their residence, but appears to be a residual cause of refusal. “53.6% indicate the activity not in line with the skills possessed, 24.5% activity not in line with their qualifications, 11.9% complain of a pay too low. Only 7.9% indicate the need to move as the main cause of the rejection “, emerges from the Inapp researchers.” Beyond the identification of the appropriate offer, it is extremely difficult to define rejection for approximately 78% of the respondent beneficiaries of RdC is attributed to the modest quality of the proposals received “.

The delay in active policies

However, the atavistic problem of active policies remains evident. “The same taking on of the beneficiaries of the Citizenship Income by the Employment Centers or by the Social Services involved too low a share of them. Only 39.3% declared that they had been contacted by the Centers for Employment and 32.8% by the Municipalities. But of that 40% contacted by the Employment Centers, in turn, only 40% have signed the Pact for Labor, and only half of these received a job offer (which was rejected by 56% of them, with the reasons illustrated above). Instead, among those who were contacted by the Municipalities, only 30% signed a pact for social inclusion, and of these only 20% participated in Collective Utility Projects. What emerges is the difficulty of social services and employment centers to take charge of the beneficiaries and that of local authorities to activate projects of collective utility (PUC) “.

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In conclusion, Fadda remarked that “the Italian socio-economic system is fragile and the pandemic has worsened its dynamics. Citizenship income has proved to be a useful measure to tackle widespread poverty, significantly worsened under the impact of the coronavirus, but the perimeter of the population in vulnerable conditions is wider. A part of the population remains excluded due to the same formal access requirements or due to the lack of information on the policy. greater social inclusion have proved ineffective “. In the light of these considerations “it is urgent to look at the causes in order to achieve an organic restructuring of both the system of active labor policies and social services and avoid that the last two programs launched in this regard (GOAL and New Skills Fund) prove to be ineffective. The problem is not only, and not so much, that of the availability of resources, but that of using them efficiently in the context of an integrated planning of labor policies with industrial policies and development policies in general “.

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