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Crosetto: “The majority can become a great conservative party”

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Crosetto: “The majority can become a great conservative party”

Crosetto: “The majority can become a great conservative party”

“It is precisely this entire majority that could become a great conservative party. I wish Berlusconi to regain his strength soon and return to being the lion he is. Furthermore, as I let him know through Marta Fascina, I intend to collect his latest invitation to lunch. Forza Italia is Berlusconi. And in Italy there are many more people who love him than those who don’t love him”. So Defense Minister Guido Crosetto in an interview with Corriere della Sera.

A poll says you are the most popular minister. Do you see yourself as the leader of a center that knows how to intercept Berlusconi’s votes and the now former Third Pole? “No, the only thing I think about most every day is getting back to having a life and being a husband and father, when I have finished serving my country as a minister – replies Crosetto – Moreover, I have already founded a party together with Meloni and it is becoming the great conservative party we had in mind. No need for a new center. Brothers of Italy must also occupy the center, proving to be ever more open and inclusive”. Will he be a candidate for the European elections? “Every day I read a different one. Some may have thought that sooner or later Meloni will have to find leaders in the North, but I no longer have the age and energy to campaign,” he explains. The axis between Lega and Fi that was seen in the nominations is a risk to the government?”No risk. The axis is between FdI, Lega and FI. With Salvini I have an extraordinary human and political relationship. The collaboration between Defense and MIT has never been so positive“, emphasizes Crosetto.

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By taking over the leadership of Enel and leaving Donnarumma out, have Salvini, Tajani and Gianni Letta dealt a ‘slap’ to the premier? “Giorgia didn’t go through the nomination game to win, but with the conviction of having to make the best possible choice, because over the years it will be judged on the presidents and CEOs appointed and on the results of those companies”, underlines the minister. The following day the Stock Exchange rejected Enel and Terna. “Looking company by company, it seems to me that the choices are unassailable – he says – Let’s take Leonardo, the company over which according to some Meloni and I would have quarreled”. According to some? The premier said no to her candidate, who was Lorenzo Mariani. “I had been aware for months of your idea of ​​appointing Cingolani to CEO. I have long respected him, but I have never hidden that I was thinking of his greater aptitude for other important companies and of another person as a CEO, “he explains.

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