Home » Early retirement, 5 ways to stay home earlier: here are which ones

Early retirement, 5 ways to stay home earlier: here are which ones

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Early retirement, 5 ways to stay home earlier: here are which ones

Early retirement, all the news to get out of work earlier

Go to pension ahead of time you can. And although the standard age in Italy is still 67, there are several ways to retire early from the world of work. If on the one hand the intention of the government Melons to overcome the Fornero law already by the end of this legislature is firm, there is a way to retire before the age of 67: it is possible, in fact, to retire from work upon reaching 41 years of contributions if at least one year of contributions was paid before the age of 19. It’s about the early workers. But not everyone falls into this category. So let’s see together what are the ways to retire from work early.

Early retirement, 5 ways to get out of work early

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