Home » Exploring the Future of User Privacy: Highlights from the 2023 Commercial Cryptography Conference

Exploring the Future of User Privacy: Highlights from the 2023 Commercial Cryptography Conference

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Title: 2023 Commercial Cryptography Conference Discusses Advancements in Privacy Protection

Date: August 10, 2023

Source: China News Network

The 2023 Commercial Cryptography Conference commenced in Zhengzhou, Henan, attracting over 1,500 attendees, including experts, scholars, and industry representatives from the field of cryptography and information security. With the aim of exploring new trends in industrial development and standardized governance in the field of commercial encryption, the conference shed light on various topics, such as protecting user privacy in personalized recommendation services and facilitating cross-border e-commerce and customs clearance.

Themed “Cryptography Empowers Better Development,” the conference featured multiple activities, including theme exhibitions, popular science exhibitions, achievement exhibitions, commercial encryption product expos, high-end encryption summits, and cooperation project signings. As many as 300 exhibitors took part in the event.

Within the bustling Commercial Encryption Products Expo, Waribek, the chief engineer of the Xinjiang Digital Certificate Certification Center, highlighted the widespread use of commercial encryption in daily life and economic exchanges. Specifically, in the realm of cross-border e-commerce and customs clearance, digital certificates act as a mobile official seal, greatly simplifying collaboration between involved parties.

Regarding the status of the digital economy in the international arena, Waribek stated that Xinjiang, as the bridgehead of the “Belt and Road” initiative, possesses tremendous potential and will not lag behind in this area of development.

The conference also gathered experts, scholars, and industry leaders from across China, focusing on cutting-edge cryptography applications in artificial intelligence, blockchain, the Internet of Things, big data, and cloud computing. Participants engaged in comprehensive discussions concerning the latest achievements, trends, norms, and governance within the realm of commercial cryptography applications.

Jiang Haizhou, President of Beijing Haitai Fangyuan Technology Co., Ltd., emphasized the immense growth potential for the commercial encryption industry following the conference. Having been a part of the industry for over two decades, Haizhou believes that the event will accelerate the industry’s development, leading to better guarantees for the daily lives of Chinese citizens.

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Addressing the concerns of privacy leakage amid the increasing integration of technologies like unmanned driving and smart government affairs, Gai Wenxuan, the product manager of Anheng Information, described how the privacy computing system, which utilizes commercial cryptography technology, encrypts and calculates “usable and invisible” data. This process ensures that information is utilized without being visible, effectively safeguarding user privacy.

Notably, the “Encryption Law of the People’s Republic of China” classifies passwords into core passwords, common passwords, and commercial passwords. While core and common ciphers protect state secrets, commercial ciphers are closely tied to the lives of ordinary individuals.

The 2023 Commercial Cryptography Conference not only served as a platform for exchanging knowledge and ideas but also highlighted the importance of protecting user privacy and fostering secure information exchange in an increasingly digital world.

Reported by Li Chaoqing, Kan Li, and Fu Yuhan from Zhengzhou, Henan.

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