Home » Germany first class? Thus Berlin keeps the entire EU in check

Germany first class? Thus Berlin keeps the entire EU in check

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Germany first class?  Thus Berlin keeps the entire EU in check

The case of electric cars and the stop to petrol ones

That Germany was afflicted by the syndrome of the “top of the class” it is well known. For over twenty years he has dominated all the choices that the various European Commissioners, one after the other, have endorsed with total obsequiousness. Last but not least is the stance regarding Russian gas (price and distribution) now, for some time now, it has been venturing into the “matchof electric cars. Can a 27th nation manage all affairs by replacing the other 26? Is it really necessary to get to 2035 to have only electric cars? But do they know in Europe how many power plants must be built (which work at …) to circulate cars or other means of transport?

Since we are in the presence of that “ATTIC” (the true know-it-all), then I just have to demonstrate that there is not only an electric car, but also a “water” one that can travel up to 5,000 with 5 (five) litres, the entire “hydrogen” range and also “air” (the first compressed air engine dates back to 1840) and in order not to be biased, I refer you to the search on www.youtube.com with the items above, you will find that there are people and companies that have produced important results.

Now I just have to remind Germany that it is not always possible to keep the other European countries in check and there is no need to impose your ideas. Research is also a tool provided for by the PNRR, ergo it is applied to everything that can be alternative. Now, an appeal: to the Members of Parliament (all) to find the time to get information and possibly touch the various results achieved by those who deal with them, you don’t need an engineering degree to see how the various “non-electric” means work, at all the Governments of the 27 to dedicate part of their time, through the Ministries, universities and various structures (in Italy we also have the CNR) and to inform themselves of what can be found on the domestic and international market. I want to launch the challenge because research, no matter who does it (whether an inventor or a company), has always had an impact on the economy and also on the health of people and the environment. And, please, without bullying anyone. Necessity is the mother of the arts – La necessita è madre delle arti.

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