Home » Istat: the decline in employment continues in August

Istat: the decline in employment continues in August

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In August 2022, the decline in employment recorded in July continues, but the number of employees remains above 23 million. According to Istat, according to which the decrease in employment (-0.3%, equal to -74 thousand) is observed for men and women, for all employees and age groups, with the only exception of 15-24 year-olds for which it remains stable; employment among the self-employed is on the rise. The employment rate drops to 60.0% (-0.2 points).

The number of job seekers decreases (-1.6%, equal to -31 thousand units compared to July) among males and children under 35. The total unemployment rate drops to 7.8% (-0.1 points), the youth rate to 21.2% (-1.9 points). Compared to August 2021, the number of employees increased by over 400 thousand units, in particular among temporary employees who, in one year, grew by almost 200 thousand. The employment rate and the unemployment rate, compared to July 2022, drop, reaching 60.0% and 7.8% respectively, while the inactivity rate rises, reaching 34.8%.

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