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Italcoppie doubles in Germany

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Italcoppie doubles in Germany

“Not even a euro of debt, we did it all by ourselves.” A non-trivial step, that of Pietro Noli, president of Italcoppie Sensori, a Cremona-based company which in one fell swoop doubled its size by taking over the German Reckmann and thus creating one of the European leaders in temperature sensors.

Acquisition that adds another 160 employees and 25 million euros in revenues to the Cremonese SME, bringing the total of the new group to 50 million, with a workforce that now rises to over 500 units.

«The founders of our two companies had known each other for some time – explains the entrepreneur – and at the time of the generational handover, the new owner of Reckmann decided to sell to us, even if there were other offers. I know, it’s an important step but the knowledge of the company and its culture has made the task easier for us».

The reference sector is that of temperature sensors, a niche in which the products of the two companies overlap only partially.

«And in fact, at least initially we will leave the two commercial networks separate, even if in the future I see great possible synergies. In Italy we have reached an all-time high in revenues and our growth continues even now».

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