Home » Italo, renewal of the contract with an increase on the minimum of 110 euros. But Uil does not sign

Italo, renewal of the contract with an increase on the minimum of 110 euros. But Uil does not sign

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Italo, renewal of the contract with an increase on the minimum of 110 euros.  But Uil does not sign

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An increase between 200 and 280 euros is on the way for Italo Ntv workers. In fact, an agreement was reached between the company and the unions on the hypothesis of an agreement for the renewal of the company’s collective labor agreement. However, the text split the union front, with Filt Cgil, Fit Cisl, Ugl AF, Fast Confsal and Orsa choosing to sign and Uiltrasporti not. Now the word passes to the workers who will have to choose whether or not to approve the result achieved.

The Transport Federation of the CGIL maintains that “it is a first significant step which responds to the requests of the workers for an agreement, which has been awaited for a long time to the point of declaring two national strikes”.

The increase on the minimums

Italo Ntv’s contract expired in December 2021 and the new three-year agreement will last until 31 December 2024. From an economic point of view, an increase of 110 euros in two steps is expected on the minimums, 80 euros in September and 30 euros in August 2024. This represents another important step to equalize contractual and salary conditions between the two railway companies.

The one-off payment of 800 euros and welfare

The renewal of Italo’s contract provides for a one-off payment of 800 euros for the contractual holiday in August and 200 euros in welfare in September. Increases also for staff travel allowances and per diem for crew personnel and for station sales commissions. Confirmed the non-absorption of super minimums. Between minimums and variables, the overall economic increase is worth between 200 and 280 euros per month.

The remodulation of the hourly calculation

The new contract provides for a remodulation of the calculation of the timetable. In fact, for the crew personnel, the average of the 38 hours per week will be calculated on a monthly basis instead of over three months as envisaged in the previous contract with a benefit in terms of the onerous workloads. Discussions were also started immediately to find solutions that will have to lead to the reduction of the current period established for the use of holidays for all staff

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