Home » Loans, full reimbursement of costs returns: what the “Asset” law decree provides

Loans, full reimbursement of costs returns: what the “Asset” law decree provides

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Loans, full reimbursement of costs returns: what the “Asset” law decree provides

The possibility of fully recovering the costs incurred for a consumer loan is back. This is provided for by the «Asset» decree law in which the restrictions of the 2021 infringement decree are canceled, which canceled this right for consumer credit agreements signed before 25 July 2021. The provision of the decree on production activities cancels the refund restrictions total introduced a few weeks ago with the «Infractions» Decree in July.

«In the event of early termination of the contracts signed before the date of entry into force of the law converting this decree, without prejudice to the provisions of the civil code regarding objective unlawful enrichment and unjust enrichment, the provisions of article 125-sexies of the consolidated text of laws on banking and credit pursuant to legislative decree 1 September 1993, n. 385, in force on the date of signing the contracts; in any case, taxes are not subject to reductions», reads the new text.

The amendment had been strongly contested by consumer associations.

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