Home » Name Huawei, ZTE high risk EU calls for speeding up the ban

Name Huawei, ZTE high risk EU calls for speeding up the ban

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Name Huawei, ZTE high risk EU calls for speeding up the ban


The European Commission warned on the 15th that Chinese 5G suppliers Huawei and ZTE may pose a security threat to the EU, and member states should speed up the ban of such high-risk network equipment. What are the concerns? Which countries have imposed restrictions on Huawei?

(Deutsche Welle Chinese website) The European Commission warned on Thursday (June 15) that Chinese telecommunications giants Huawei and ZTE may pose a threat to the EU’s information security, announcing that it will disable the equipment of these companies.

Agence France-Presse reported that the European Commission said in a statement that compared with other 5G suppliers, Huawei and ZTE are obviously more risky, and the Commission will therefore take relevant security measures to avoid over-reliance on these suppliers. equipment.

Thierry Breton, European Commissioner for the Internal Market, said at a press conference that related equipment “could become a ‘weapon’ against our (referring to the EU’s) interests.” The loophole is a risk that the EU cannot afford. He called on the EU’s 27 member states and their telecom operators to exclude equipment from Huawei and ZTE from their mobile networks.

Breton speaks at EU Commission headquarters in March

According to Reuters, Breton said a few days ago that some third-party countries have intrusive regulations on intelligence and digital security, and some EU members are still using high-risk components from these countries in their 5G core networks, which is worrying. . According to reports, Breton’s remarks at the time implied that it was China.

In 2020, the European Union adopted a guideline urging member states to restrict or ban high-risk 5G suppliers to avoid compromising the security of the core of their telecommunications networks. High-risk suppliers such as ZTE are restricted or excluded.

Breton said such a ban was “too slow” and exposed the European Union to a significant collective security risk due to overreliance on the company’s equipment and vulnerabilities.

Agence France-Presse pointed out that the strict 5G norms introduced by the executive committee earlier did not outright ban any suppliers and did not name Huawei. China is taking an increasingly hardline stance.

Western groups abandon Huawei

Washington has previously expressed concern that “Huawei equipment may be interfered by Chinese intelligence agencies”, and last year banned the import or sale of communication equipment to Chinese companies such as Huawei and ZTE; the United Kingdom has also abandoned Huawei in its 5G telecommunications network.

In addition, German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser said in April that Germany is reviewing Chinese components in its 5G network; Portugal also issued a resolution last month that may ban telecom operators from using its 5G mobile network and In the 4G platform, Chinese equipment is used.

Both Huawei and ZTE have expressed strong opposition to allegations that China may use related communication equipment for espionage. The Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs has also refuted that the Western world used “unwarranted risks as an excuse to cooperate with the United States to discriminate against and exclude Chinese companies, blatantly violating the principles of market economy and free trade rules”, seriously damaging the legitimate interests of Chinese companies and the basis for cooperation and mutual trust. Political manipulation.

(Reuters, AFP, DPA)

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